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Hey everyone!

So, the last few days, I had to work at the office (my full-time job). That meant less time working on Serenity. My days were full even into the evening due to visiting 'higher ups' at the company I work for and various projects we were tying up.

But that's finally over and today I am back to my normal grind. Working remote has spoiled me. Having to go into the office again fucked with my zen and messed up my routine. With that out of the way, I thought this might be the perfect time to talk about Chapter 2, what you can expect, and where I am in its development.

First things first: Thank you all for the great feedback on Chapter 1. I couldn't believe all the nice comments and messages I've received... and the growth (patrons and followers alike) I've seen here and on itch is unprecedented. Yes, there were a few (harsher) reviews. But I've learned to take them in stride and just keep doing what I do... sticking to my guns. I have a vision and I intend to complete that vision.

What can you expect to see in Chapter 2? More mushy love stuff and cute situations... most of the normal things you expect to see in Serenity. As most of you know, I've had plenty of negative things in my life and try to stay away from negative shit. And that has definitely impacted how I write Serenity. In Chapter 2, I am not planning any major "bad guys". But mostly some internal drama here and there. I really want to explore the personalities of our girls. In all the feedback I received, I made a list of things to make sure I touch on. For example: We're going to start having more things like dates and events, especially with some girls we haven't interacted with as much (like Samantha and Trina). We also have 2 girls to bring into the harem, Triss and Lili. Both will ascend at some point in this chapter. And as was mentioned by many, there is the Kat/Triss situation which will be dealt with in episode 1. There is also the situation with Celeste and Melody showing up at the end of Chapter 1. One of these characters will end up going back to their "world" and the other will remain. Patrons will get to vote on which of these two girls will be staying and possibly join the harem. So, keep an eye out for that later during the development of Chapter 2. And that last part there will mark the last girl that will be added to Serenity. There are a lot of them. Before that poll is posted, there will be episodes where we'll spend some alone time with each of them so that you have a chance to get to know their personalities as I've written them. Sex? No, afraid not guys LOL. Sex with either of these two is going to take a bit of time. In fact, sex from here on out is not going to be the main focus (outside of nude scenes and general teasing and fun of course). For me personally, the appealing factor in adult vn's is in the sexy situations and the visuals that come with that... then of course the anticipation of that actual sex event.

Chapter 2 development: As noted in previous devlogs and chats... Serenity Chapter 2 will actually be the beginning of a 'series' with episodes (instead of 'days'). Chapter 1 was pretty much like a prologue (a long one I suppose). Each episode will focus on the daily lives of the characters as they deal with each other, wishes from people on Earth, and the occasional mysterious stuff that Mom sees out in the void, and sends us to check out. I'm thinking each season (chapter) will be about 8 episodes, depending on the size of the build as it grows. I want to keep my builds under 3gb. I am hoping to end up with several seasons of Serenity that people can enjoy when it's all said and done. I've seen a lot of people mention that they replay Serenity a lot. Hopefully that trend will continue with Chapter 2 and onward as we progress. Currently, I am coding the first episode, bringing what I've written already into the rpy file and editing things I want to change. Hopefully, I'll complete this part within the next 2 weeks or so - and then begin the more tedious process of creating the graphics. There will no longer be a gallery in Serenity (honestly, I didn't want to do a gallery in chapter 1 - and totally forgot to update that in 1.3 - I'll get that resolved soon). Instead, Serenity Chapter 2 will have an episode guide where you can jump to the start of any episode that is already completed in the build. Since Serenity is kinetic, doing this will make it easier for those who like to replay their favorite episodes without counting on saves. You can still of course save the game, and you should when you reach the end of an update (just like before) so that when the next update releases, you can just pick up right where you left off.

Anyway, I'm rambling now. Just want to give as much info as I can and stay in contact with you guys. And you can always join my Discord server, or even send me a message here on Patreon (or itch) if you have questions or comments about my work. I love hearing from you!

Now back to work, love you all... Feed the shade, I mean the fade, I mean... nevermind...



Fade or Shade? They are two sides of the same coin. As you said in chapter one, they can't exist without one another. I think that everyone will feed both of them equally :-) I liked your work from beginning (well, from day 4 or 5 of chapter one) and always looking forward to new content that I may enjoy. Best of luck and stay as healty as possible!