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Hello again my friends!

Well, I made it through the hurricane with no damage. We had one hell of a mess to clean up once things settled down enough to get outside... a mixture of big and small tree limbs covering everything (yards, roof, driveways, cars...). I still have a bit more cleanup to do and on my street, we help each other out so I'll be helping cleanup the elderly folks that live around us also. We did lose power but got it back less than 24 hours later; we were extremely lucky in that regard. Most people around here will have 1 to 4 weeks without power. I'll be all of this around my regular job schedule and may not get a lot of game development done in the evenings this week. But... I'm literally right on the cusp of having this update ready. Once these last few renders are out of the way, its just a matter of matching up music and doing a playthrough to proofread and check my graphics and music placement.

This is NOT carved in stone, but I'm going to shoot for a release by the middle of next week (Wednesday Sept. 8th). This should be plenty of time if there are no more major interruptions.



the clean up might be a pain but we are happy you and your family is safe and no damages <3

Scott Wulf

Glad to hear that you are ok N2! Was a bit concerned, but also nice to hear ya helping out your neighbors. Take what time ya need! We know we will see more Serenity soon enough!

Gary Hempel

take care of yourself and your neighbors. we can wait. your well being is much more important. PopPop


So, quick check. When you say the release is scheduled for a date, is that when it hits early access for the $5 tier and up? I am not concerned either way. I just want to make sure I do not get excited for the release only to find out I still need to wait a week because of the tier I am in.


Really happy to hear that you made it through all right. I was concerned. Take your time and help out all that you can.


Glad to hear you - and your neighbors - made it through with little damage!


Sorry I should be more clear when I say that. Yes, when I am talking about a release date, I am referring to early access.


With everything going on where you are, these things are bound to happen. I am just happy you and yours are safe. Hope the clean-up goes well.