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Happy weekend everyone!

Alright, I have good news and bad news. Good news first... I am 100 renders away from the finish. The only things left after that is the music and test playthrough (proofread).

Bad news... I have a hurricane headed right for me and it is predicted to be a category 4 when it makes landfall. That is sustained winds of up to 140mph. And that my friends SUCKS big time. Without this storm coming, I am confident I would release by Tuesday (August 31st) to patrons. But it is coming, and that puts a giant damper on any plans. Chances are very high I could lose power for several days, or even take serious damage to my home. Now, we get these almost every year to varying degrees. The difference here is that this one has a track that runs right through my area. All signs point to us being on the east side of this storm and that is NOT good. Winds are much stronger on the east side of a hurricane (we always pray it will move further east when we get them).

With that said, my release date is 'uncertain' at this point. Hopefully, this damn thing moves on through and leaves us peacefully without killing our power or dropping the huge oak in my backyard right on top of my house.

It seems like everything that can hold me back tries to do so. But a hurricane will not stop me from continuing Serenity and seeing it come to an ending. Worse case scenario, the 1.1 release is just a week or two later. It just depends on how this thing progresses with the storm. Keep us in your thoughts my friends. Gotta run now and get the Camaro under the carport and put the cover on it, as well as a few other things.

PS: Added a nice preview image for you all. I hope you like it. Kat gives a nice makeover to Rin and Lena for their date with MC.

Love you all, ...Fire




plz stay safe firey okay


Yeah, staying safe is top priority when sword fighting hurricanes. But in all seriousness, please be responsible and stay safe. Oh, and make sure to back up any work you have completed, preferably off-site.


Serenity and all of my project materials have been backed up in 3 places with all of my currently completed work. I won't be doing any more work on the update now until after this storm passes and we see how things are... could lose power for a week or more (it happens). Just focused on riding this thing out.