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This might be a long one (Cryoxxx, might as well run away now, I know how you hate my long posts LMAO). I have quite a bit to say in the first devlog for June.

Release Schedule
Top of the list, might as well get this out of the way. You guys spoke and (hands down) feel that I should release as I see fit. Well honestly, I've been spreading myself WAY too thin since I started this thing. Like my friend Nope pointed out... I have a full time job, I'm a full time husband, plus I put assloads of time into Serenity. I have to tell you guys, I absolutely LOVE doing this. So much so that I've barely been away from my computer except to eat, shower, and sleep. As you all know, I am also a network administrator and I do that job from home. My desk has 4 27" monitors on it: 2 on my work laptop, and 2 on my personal desktop. When work is slow, I do what I can on Serenity. When work gets busy, Serenity has to be pushed away because the network admin is what pays the bills (for now anyway). Realistically, I never saw myself doing the AVN thing alone for a living. It would be nice, but everyone knows it isn't stable at all. Anyway... my plan is to release updates within a 2 month window instead of 1. It gives me more time to really crack down on the story and give you more without stressing about the release date. It definitely gives me a lot more elbow room to be creative and try new things to make Serenity better.

Serenity 1.1 Expectations
(Some spoilers here from 1.0 and 1.1) For me, every update is special and I always try to open up a bit more of the plot. Most of my biggest fans really dig the story and writing was my stronger point to start with. So I play off of that small strength. With that said, and with a more manageable release schedule, I'm thinking with what I know is coming in Serenity, you guys will be very happy you stuck around. It makes me excited because I was a fan of many AVN's myself before, and I know what I liked then. Anyway, Day 11 will see us spending some time with the next 2 girls voted on in the poll from back in March, Jasmine and Trixy. We'll finally see where Jasmine's personal place is in Serenity! Also, we'll learn about Trixy's past, where she comes from, and what she's been through. Aside from this, we'll find out more about the sneaky, tsundere and nympho neko, Mia (man, that's a mouthful right?). If I have time to put it in, I have an event with Cassie and Samantha that I've been holding on to and 1.1 might be a good place to bring that in. Also, I want to interact with Camilla more as there are some things coming up that involve her a great deal.

Fade Visitors
Hey you $2 guys! As a thank you for being loyal for so long and not really getting much out of your tier lately, the 1.0 release planned for $5 patrons next Saturday will include your tier. If you're reading this and have considered supporting me on this tier, this is a great time to tier up for a month and grab the 1.0 release early! However - IF IT ENDS UP OUT THERE SOMEWHERE BEFORE THE PUBLIC RELEASE, I'LL NEVER DO THIS AGAIN. Sorry, I had to say that. Some of you have been a patron for a long time and deserve something in return. It's a small thing I know, but I wanted to do something. So, keep an eye out for the release on Saturday, follow my Patron and/or join my Discord. I always try to keep my peeps updated.

Last Human 0.2
I announced recently my plans to revive this project on my own with Nope's blessing. With the new release schedule, I may try to do a LITTLE at a time on this. Of course, I won't have anything ready for several months since Serenity is top priority. But... I definitely want to get this little project out there for you guys to see. It will be a very short story that basically introduces the idea for a possible continuation. If it is well received, I will pursue it more diligently after Serenity. If not, then I have another exciting story on the back burner that I've been holding on to. For those of you who were lucky enough to see the initial build, forget what you remember. I am changing things up quite a bit to make sure it shows my own art style. I have my notes from back then with about 12 ideas about how I could proceed for a full series for Last Human. I think you guys are going to LOVE this one. As is my goal in everything I do, it will be like no other AVN you've seen.

The Fade Crown tier
I've had to reduce the number of available spaces in this tier. It is just too much trying to do custom CGs and everything else I do. With renders for Serenity, I have a lot of things prebuilt and saved, like poses, certain scenes and other stuff. But with custom CGs, I am working completely from scratch and I spend no less than several hours on just one of them. Since people tend to share these with others who could potentially visit Serenity, I stress a LOT more on how they come out. Anyway, I'll be reducing this tier to 5 spots. So if you're in it now and plan to leave and come back, just know that your spot may not be available. Later when I get to a point where it is easier for me to do these in a timely manner, I'll add more slots.

I finally added a new section in the game menu for developer friends of mine. I am close with all these guys and I truly love the games I list there. I'm sure most of my people have played them all but if I list something in there, it means I place it very high on my list of favorite AVN's. So please be sure to check out those you see there that you may not be familiar with! As of writing this, I have 8 in there now so I need one more so the page looks filled! I would love to hear your thoughts on similar games I should try and put in there (I have to play it first). I would also need some contact with the dev to arrange/get permission to display his banner there.

Final notes
One of the things I want to be sure I stay on top of is communication with my followers (patrons and non patrons alike). If you ever have questions or you feel I am not being transparent enough, by all means call me out on it. If you have (constructive) criticsm I am very open to hearing that. Most of my old followers will tell you that I take critiques very seriously and always try to act on them. I post long posts because I have a lot to say, so if you hate walls of text, sorry! LOL, that is just how I am. I love you guys and I hope you stick with me as I have a lot of super exciting plans and ideas for the future. I wish I could do them all at once, but alas... here I am changing my release schedule to 2 months LMAO. Okay, I'll stop annoying you now with this long post. I have a date with Jasmine and I don't want to piss off the Flame Goddess! Haha... all the best my friends,




I am happy that you will be continuing Last Human. As I have never seen it, I eagerly await its release in the future. Thank you for bringing Serenity into our world.

Scott Wulf

Really looking forward to all of these plans, especially after finishing 1.0 last night! I have no plans of backing down on my Tier....I love the work you do, and enjoy getting my monthly wonder art....That and being able to play the game early....early nekos.....some times...it comes at just the right time...other times...is nice to have and replay when I am in needs....Thanks a ton N2!!!


If it is anything at all like Serenity, it will be a top tier VN. I am excitedly awaiting its unveiling. Thank you for replying.