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Hey everyone! So, I've been thinking about the length of my updates. I had one person say that 1.0 felt too short. If I'm honest, I agree with him and I think its because of the extra scene I added (basically doing a scene twice so double the work). As this is something I feel everyone should have a say in, I'm making this poll public because I want as much feedback on this as I can get.

How would you feel if I changed my release schedule to once every 2 months? Doing so, there would be a lot more content per update (at the price of waiting longer for each release).



Take your time. It's important for you-as a creator to be satisfied with the content. So if it take month(s) so be it. Those who want-will wait. No matter how long. Best regards from Russia


Release as you see fit is my opinion. If you wanted to go to 2 month updates I don't mind waiting.


Keep shooting for the quality we have all come to know and love. If that means taking a bit more time, I'm all for it. :)

Naughty James

I have seen game story come and go, some are really good and some, weeelllll, the game dev had an idea but at the end, either ended badly and piss off all the supporters or is labeled Abandoned on the F95 website. Yet the ones that people keep going for and keep wanting more of, are the ones that have a good story as well as good game detail to the game story. So yea, you doing a great job in what you doing and proud to show off your game story on my lewd game streams.


Personally, I will wait as long as it takes for your updates. That being said, whenever you think you have a good break point is when you should do an update. Or even a good cliffhanger moment. Whatever works best for you really is when you should. I understand allowing for us to offer feedback is good, but we are not the ones writing the story. Heck, for me, I started the story over again just to see the new renders that you made for us. So you keep being yourself, and us loyal followers will be waiting.

Scott Wulf

I say, release it when you are ready to release it. If it takes a month, great, if it takes longer, great! As long as when it gets released you are happy with what you released! I sub for Ripples, and he releases every 2-3 months as he does all the work himself, and he wants to make it as good as possible, for himself, and for the fans, other Devs have varying release schedules based on THEIR comfort levels, something even Killer7 had to learn to do for himself. If the release isn't up to YOUR standards, don't release, simple as that, think you should be able to see from reacts here a number of us feel the same...


As one of these following the game I believe taking the time for more/better content is better than faster releases with less content. Faster is seldom better in the creation of games.


Sometimes things are just harder (take longer) than they should. You have a good thing going here. Do it right, not quick.


Make sure you take plenty of time for yourself and don't pressure yourself with self-imposed deadlines. Even the former workaholics Killer7 and Braindrop have slowed down a bit. I always support the dev, I'm not in it for the perks. Take aslong as you feel is necessary.


IMO - Spend the time you need to release when you feel the quality/time is right to do so... Aim rather than commit is a good way to keep the creative spirit alive! I think everyone will be happier in the end. I rather wait a couple of days (or a month in this case) than get something that's rushed to meet a deadline - Just be transparent about it so we know what happens!