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Hey everyone, I hope your weekend is fun and relaxing! I wanted to bring something to your attention that has only been known to a small circle of my friends. Early last year, before I had decided to start developing Serenity into an AVN, my good friend Nope and I collaborated on a project called Last Human. With COVID and other setbacks, we had to shelve that project. In the aftermath, Nope was dealt a tough hand and has had to deal with personal matters. He hasn't been motivated to get back into it since.

After speaking with him last night, I've decided that I want to complete the first part of the project. And, as we decided together way back then, it will release straight to the public as a free game. The idea was that if people liked it enough, then we would continue the story. This first part is fairly short and was meant to test our ability to work together. But, the story is a very good one that I think has a lot of potential, so that brings us here.

The first part of the story is already completed and coded and even some graphics are completed. However, I'll be redoing those graphics completely since they wouldn't match my current style. The girls pictured above (left: Natalie, right: Alexis) were created by Nope, and will remain. Of course, I'll need to make some minor changes to them because I have updated skin textures that I think would look better on them. Nope is a HUGE reason that I am doing this right now. He pushed me to be better and to get out here and make Serenity what it is today. I owe him my gratitude and he deserves recognition in this. Although, he didn't want to be credited, he will be anyway. So, thank you Nope for pushing me to learn and continue!

Last Human: Working alone at a research base in Antarctica, MC learns that something has happened to humans in the rest of the world. Strange things happen like trees appearing around the base, and a portal forms nearby. Two beautiful Pantherians exit the portal... Natalie, the sweet and loveable magic user and Alexis, the tsundere, tough one. He'll get to know these cute Nekos and eventually leave Earth with them as the last surviving human.

My plan for LH (beyond this first part) is a deep story with emotional and inspiring themes, nice music and atmosphere, some comedy, and eventually a few other Nekos with romance and some choices on who and how you proceed.

By now you're probably asking how I am going to do this and still work on Serenity. Well, Serenity will remain my main priority until it is completed. But during some down time, I'll be doing a few renders here and there for LH. Obviously, I want to get Serenity updates out in a timely manner. I have some maps and scenes for LH that will need some setup at first and will need to rethink some of our original ideas. But, I'll only be working on it here and there. So the first short release will probably take me a few months, especially since there is a LOT going to happen in Serenity over the next bunch of updates and I've been pushing to create more content per update. Anyway, some of you who were fans of our LH project can now look forward to this because it is going to happen. Just give me time. I have the live script folder all setup and ready to roll as I have a chance to work on it.

Alright, sorry for the long post! Now back to working on Serenity! LOL





Thanks for the update. I am looking forward to LH as it sounds like it could be a good story and I already like your work. My only concern/request, per se, is please limit the number of side projects you agree to do, 2 is fine. How you have laid out your plans in this post is fine with me, and sounds feasible.


Last Hope sounds awesome, can't wait!


Sounds great, Fire. Just don't overwork yourself working on two projects at once.

Scott Wulf

Looking forward to it! Take your time, of course, but another Neko project?! Even a short one is fine.....then again...might just have a things for the Nekos....


I was looking for Last Human from your mentioning it during Serenity's content. I am definitely looking forward to it. I hope you share these positive responses with Nope and the 2 of you can continue to work together in the future.


Looking forward to it.. Stories are what some of us live for... a break from our mundane existence.. Thank you for the escapes.