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Happy Friday! So, today I thought would be a good time to give you guys a better glimpse of what's coming in Day 10.

First image with Fade: It seems someone has had sex somewhere on the island, as Fade observes outside her window, lol.

Second image with (fairy) Fade and Kat: What could Fade be up to here? And it looks like Kat might be defending her.

Third image with a young Kathryn: We'll visit the past a bit during our time with Kat. And we'll begin to understand the reason MC and Kat are so close from the start.

Fourth image with a different looking Morgan: Think you can beat her on the pool table? She's pretty damn good! Outcome of the game will determine the scene you get after!

Progress Update: This weekend I'll complete the Morgan scenes finally. I had a few setbacks this week regarding AI, which set me back a bit so release date is still sketchy. I had to rebuild my AI installation from scratch. This sucked but every problem I run into is a learning experience. A lot of frustration and cursing, and finally got everything back to normal. I'll never install a utility mod in the middle of update work again. Lesson learned. Anyway, moving on... I think some of you know already that I've created a subscribestar page. I have some special plans for what goes over there. I won't go into more details right now but I imagine you can guess. I posted a public post over there with more details. I would love to hear your thoughts on subscribestar. Do you prefer to sub there or patreon? I personally subscribe to one game there, and a few at patreon.

Moving on... as I said, I was hoping to release by the 28th (Friday) but that may not happen. Will just have to see how things go this weekend and next week. Where I live, we just went through some very severe and heavy rains with a lot of flooding. My two coworkers (at my regular job) were both flooded out of their homes, leaving me the only person left to handle support and other issues. Unfortunately, as I don't make enough here to live off of, my regular job is still priority so that I can pay bills. And sadly, that means my dev work and schedule will suffer sometimes. Just know that I work very hard, probably much more than I should, to get quality updates out for you guys. I love doing this and hope one day I can ONLY do this.

Okay, forcing myself to stop here. Other devs tease me because I'm long winded and give too much info away. I can't help it, I get excited about Serenity. Anyway, hang in there guys, I'll do whatever it takes to get 1.0 out to you as soon as possible, but never at the cost of quality and amount of content. I'll update again soon! Thank you for your continued support!





*hint* Backup before adding an unknown to the mix... learned that the hard way... a couple of times to many (that said - will likely not even take my own hint seriously but anyway - its still a good hint :))


Yep, I've backed up my build as it currently is so that shit doesn't happen again! It was a bonehead, noob mistake that I won't make again, I assure you that lol.

Scott Wulf

You aren't the only one who makes semi-long updates: Killer7 does at times, as does Jestur, two Devs I respect a lot, so worry not about what teasing some Devs might give, they are most likely teasing you, as there are others who can be much more wordy! Sucks to hear about both your issue with AI, and your two co-workers with their houses getting flooded, moreso the floodings, as tech isssues aren't to difficult to fix in the long term. I've taken to having back-ups of HS, and I'm just in experiment mode, and character creation mode. Good luck to you with work, and your co-workers getting their situations taken care of!

Scott Wulf

By the way, Morgan... looks freakin' HOT!!!


Been there done that, and then again after starting to slack with backups again after a while :) Have a nice weekend!


you can do it firey and everything looks awesome and longer waits happen but wont stop us from waiting hihi


we are watching from the shadows hihi

Neal Stephens

I personally like the subscribestar choice. Will probably move my support to that page soon, before the next billing cycle anyway. Love the game and always looking forward to new updates, also looking forward to LH in the upcoming future, it sounds interesting.