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Happy Sunday all!

I know, back to work tomorrow but hopefully this devlog will cheer you up! As you all know, I have completed the first batch of early-content improvements and also re-released 0.9 to give you something to check out while you wait for 1.0 to drop later this month. Attached are just a couple of preview images from Day 10 to get you wondering what's coming. Kat waking you up, and why are we standing in the driveway of our old neighborhood? What's with the car? I think you guys are going to love the next few releases very much as there is going to be a lot of events taking place with various girls. If you remember, I took a vote a while back on which girls you wanted to spend more time with. I took the results of those votes and put them in order by most votes. Starting with 1.0 we'll be with the 2 girls who had the most votes, which were Kat and Morgan. 1.1 we'll see Jasmine and Trixy, then 1.2 we'll see Lena and Rin. I can't tell you what will happen beyond 1.2 as we'll get into the next dramatic series of events as we meet the first real enemy in Serenity. Some of you have already guessed who that might be, but we'll leave it at that for now! After that we'll spend some time with some of the other girls as well.

Planned improvements: 65% completed
Day 10 Coding: 98% complete
Day 10 Images: 12% completed

Day 10 Development:
Coding for Day 10 dialogue is completely finished. However, I put 98% up there because I have some minor coding to do for the new "Friends" section I'll be adding with links to other games from fellow developers whom I consider very good friends and have helped me quite a lot in this journey. But also because I simply love their games and highly recommend them. Version 1.0 should end up with around 600 images and I think about 4 animations (possibly more depending on a few decisions I need to make when I get to those points). Sometimes while posing and rendering for Serenity, I run across situations where I notice an opportunity to add something funny or otherwise pertinent to the plot. So, images get added to my existing plan all the time. I am getting better at animating, but I am still taking advantage of help from Cryoxxx with some of them because he has a good eye for it. I'd rather give him some money to help add that extra sweetness to some scenes than take a chance on my own attempts (for now anyway).

After the 1.0 Release:
At the end of May (or right after 1.0 has been released), I will do some more early-content improvements. But I'm hoping it won't take me quite as long as the first batch. It just depends on how much time I spend on a scene. I have gotten pretty picky about scenes over the last 2 months and tend to spend more time on them than I did in the beginning. Sometimes when I play-test, I notice things I missed before... clipping or lighting issues, or even having an expression on a face that I meant to have for a line before or after. It happens. But these are the kinds of things I want to address.

Anyway, I think I'll stop here before this turns into a book. Expect 1.0 to release before the end of May. I can't give an exact date but I definitely want to have it to you no later than that. Thank you all for your continued support. Serenity keeps growing and I have a lot more fun content to come!



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