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Hello my friends!

(If you have not played 0.8 (Day 8) of Serenity yet, please be aware there will be spoilers in this post.)

Today I am well underway with coding completed and now rendering about one third completed. One animation sequence also completed. Hopefully by now, you've all finished the last update (0.8) and you're here now because you can't wait for the story to continue. I was surprised I had no complaints that there were no lewd scenes in that last update (not counting that quick ending). And that makes me happy because now I know you're here for the story and for that, I reward you with those sexy bits. Hang in there my friends, You'll get plenty of those bits in 0.9. As promised, we'll be having some fun with the girls for a few updates. There are things happening behind the scenes in Serenity and our friends are completely unaware what awaits them. That is why we'll spend some more time getting close before the next drama storm hits.

As I've worked on this project and told this story, I began to learn a lot about how I tell the story in a visual novel, and how I should have approached things in the beginning. I do regret not doing some things but that's okay. That is what a first project is for... to learn and grow; and I do that in front of everyone. I always appreciated developers who were transparent and always communicating. So I strive to do things that way. 

Anyway, things will continue with some fun activities and sexual fun. I want to focus on the relationships that are growing between the King and his harem, some comical situations/scenes, and of course... our naughty little fairy will cause some fun trouble that should be entertaining. By now, most of you are probably wondering how she fits into the grand scheme. You'll learn that and more about her. And also I have a special little surprise coming in this update but I don't want to spoil it for you guys and ruin the effect. I'm hoping you will enjoy it.

If you've been following me from the beginning, you've seen a lot of my mistakes (and some that I still need to fix in earlier parts of the story). Those of you who are here for the first time, well, just know that you should ignore my imperfections through the first 4 or 5 days in the story. You should notice things do improve as you progress and I have plenty more to go. I've said it plenty of times but I don't do things the way other AVN developers do and you shouldn't find much out there to compare Serenity to. My goal from the start was to always try to keep things fresh and different so that when you do give Serenity a chance and play through it, at least if you didn't care for it, I know you will not have played another story like it.

Okay well now I am just rambling. Not much to tell right now other than I am working on the graphics now. When that is completed, I'll work on the music and where to put it, then proofreading and edits. I am shooting for a similar release schedule as last month where the higher tiers should see it one week before the end of the month (hopefully!). That would be around Thursday/Friday next week (shit I need to get off here and get my ass to work!)

Thanks for reading my incoherent rambling! I'll post the next devlog next Tuesday with a better idea of release dates (if I don't forget LOL).

Remember... no sadness you guys. It's our weakness :)




Thanks for the update. It helps with the waiting. One thing that I am still curious on is wether we will see Cinnamon return permanently or not. I guess I will have to wait and see.