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Hey everyone! I'm a day late with my devlog because yesterday I was plugged in. Meaning, I was focused on rendering scenes for 0.9. When I am plugged in like that, I don't stop until either I'm about to piss my pants or my wife makes me stop so I can go eat supper LOL. Anyway, I have a few things to talk about, so let's get crackin...

Serenity 0.8 - I think it was a successful update. It was an emotional one for sure, we got to see a small part of what happened just before the opening of the story. We'll see in later scenes a bit more from the past, but for now I want to move the focus back to some fun and laughs. I had a lot of great feedback after 0.8, on music and the story itself. I also had complaints about the last scene with Camilla and Samantha because there was sex without MC. I want to address this right now... it was just a few images. As you could plainly see, I didn't do a full-on, animated sex scene. But that scene had a purpose. It was the beginning of Camilla coming out of her shell. And when you see Sam in the next update (the next day), she will have information about Cam's inner struggle between the dark and the light, and insight into her feelings for her brother (non sexual). And on the subject of incest, there will be none in Serenity, period. I don't write incest. I have no interest in it and therefore would have no idea how to write it. Besides, there is enough of that content out there that if I did write it, it would just be cliche at this point. My goal was to write an AVN that is not a copy of anything you've already seen and I hope I am accomplishing that. But like I said, we have a long way to go yet as we haven't even reached the halfway point.

Serenity 0.9 - As I said, I'm already working hard on the next update. After I post this, I'll be 'plugged in' again, rendering away. I want to get through this update as quickly as possible and leave myself some time to redo some things from much earlier in the story. The first scenes in Trina's office were already redone, but there is still the first scenes when MC gets to Serenity... those shitty island scenes. I want to do them again completely from scratch because I learned a LOT of things since then. I have a lot of "redo" plans in the works and I want to try and leave myself enough time each month to work on each piece, plus I still need to add some more music. Anyway, you can expect several sex scenes in this next update as well as getting to know Camilla and learning about the father you two share.

Serenity Future (SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!!) - Like I said, for a few updates we're going to keep the drama down and just have some fun. We'll get to know Camilla, and also spend some quality time with Trina and also Trixy, who we'll find isn't going to be an "easy lay". My intention is to have Trixy not be all "in love" with MC right away because I am guilty of doing that with the other girls and in hindsight, I wish I had spent a bit more time building up these relationships. Whats done is done though and as I have said before, this being my first project is also my training. So I will experiment with ideas in the development. We'll see how things pan out though. Anyway, we've had 2 villans so far that have transformed into peaceful characters... Morgan and Camilla. We could also count Trixy in that but she has a slightly different backstory. None of these are the true villan in Serenity. We will meet the real one soon though. Another flood of emotional situations and drama will come to Serenity. That is why it is important we spend some time getting close to each of the girls. And the big spoiler... (BIG SPOILER ALERT)... one female will leave Serenity at some point in the future. I'll leave you to ponder who that could be. And no, I'm not going to burn anyone up in a fire. It won't be anything cruel like that. So, prepare yourselves for that. If you paid attention to the story from the start, then you may already have an idea who it is.

Well, I crossed over 100 patrons overnight last night! I honestly can't believe how far we've come. From a disasterous beginning, to what we have now is quite a leap. It isn't as many as the other bigger, more popular devs out there but damn... I am so fucking happy! But will I ever get to a point where I quit my day job and do this full time? Dammit I would love it if I could. But I would have to reach a certain dollar amount and remain there for quite a while before I could bring myself to take that leap. This business is a fickle one. You can have months that are amazing and months that are terrible. Quitting a job I've had for over 20 years now would be a HUGE step. But yeah, I would love to do this full time. Who knows, if I continue to improve, anything could happen. There is also the issue of - doing this full time and depending on it for income to pay bills... would make it stressful. Constant pressure to make a quality game and story that people like enough to patron. I have no idea how that would go for me. For now, I am very happy with where we are. The money I make gets rolled back into my projects for the most part by subbing other devs who make mods I want/need, and upgrading my computer to improve performance when I am working with graphics (which we all know can be expensive).

Thank you all so much for the support, both in following me and patroning me. I appreciate all of you more than you know. Now I need to post this and get my ass back to work. :)




Thanks for clearing that up. I was really only stating my opinion. I do appreciate your candor. Cheers.


Apologies for jumping to conclusions. "Quality time with...x", tends to make one a tad guarded and suspicious. Meaning, I thought Camilla was to spend quality time with...x. ;) Man, I need to wake up with more caffeine before I read.


I feel that Lena, Jas and Rin were written to fall for the MC, and it did miss an opportunity to grow their relationships to the MC. Now knowing this, maybe in your next work you have an chance to expand a bit more to your story and give even more depth to your characters. I am not one that needs the MC to be involved in every bit of sex that a story has. Maybe there are other side relationships that grow? The point being, I am not the writer. This is your story to tell me how it goes, I am merely along for the journey. I am enjoying the VN for the story it tells, so you just keep being you please.