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The poll is setup to run until Tuesday, but, it's pretty obvious what the result is.

So, since I am pretty sure I will NOT be splitting the game into 4 parts and I need to keep working, I've already started to proceed that way. After giving it some thought, here is how I think this will happen now:

Improvements: I still want to make the improvements, but instead of focusing only on that for the February update, I've decided it would be better to work on those as I go. I'll do them here and there while working on current content and keep bringing the story to you guys. This seems to be the popular choice among most of you and I am good with that. So the Feb. update will be the 0.8 version of Serenity, which begins week 2 (not in a new build). I have already completed the re-rendering of the first scenes in Trina's office, next will be re-rendering the second set of scenes in her office (when you and Kat to go read the book). The first day of the second week in Serenity will be a very busy one, but there probably won't be any lewd scenes (other than some casual nudity). With Camilla entering the picture, there is a lot of plot activity taking place. However, I may use my animation time from Cryoxxx to redo the sex scene with Kat (where she ascends) earlier in the story. If I do that, I can  offer an option when you first get into the week 2 content that will ask if you would like to go view the scene. If you choose "yes", it will take you to the scene where you can "relive" it and at the end it will bring you right back to the start of week 2. Leave your comments below on how you feel about that. Serenity is as much yours as it is mine and I value your feedback.

Game Save: (SPOILER ALERT) I don't know how most people handled the end of the 0.7b update, but if you didn't save, you should go back and skip through it and make a save at any point in the last scene (Beach with Trina and Lena). Version 0.8 will pick up right where that scene ends.

Download size: Currently, Serenity is still less than 1gb. I anticipate it will just hit 1gb with version 0.8. I've decided I am not going to concern myself with filesize until it starts getting close to 5gb, the 'mega' daily limit for free accounts. I have a 4gb upload limit on my itch account, so keep in mind you can always go there and grab the game without any hassle when the public releases come out. Meanwhile, I will explore other options like Nopi, Google, or some other ways to share the game to help out. I've had terrible results with Nopi in the past but I'll take another look at that one as well.

Master: (SPOILER ALERT) Finally, I wanted to bring up something I've been struggling with. Sometimes I think it sounds weird when the girls call him "Master", but I've seen a lot of comments from followers that like that. Starting with version 0.8, I am considering adding an option to choose what you want the girls to call you (other than your name). In the last release, we saw the MC tell the girls not to call him that, but they continue to slip up or call him "Majesty". So, to remedy this, I'll have one of the girls ask you what you want to be called and you'll be able to choose whatever you want. Again, comment below your thoughts on this. It's a simple thing to add in.

That is all I have for now guys (and gals). I have a ton of work to do and planning as big an update as I can for this next release. A few have mentioned the updates could be a bit longer so I will try to do that. I render pretty much a scene per line or 2 lines of dialogue so it can be hard to make an update that is really long but I'll do my best, friends. I love you all and can't wait to get back to the story with you and enjoy some time outside of this crazy world. :)




looking forward to it N2 and we always save at the end to be sure, also so gonna rewatch that kat schene hihi, and that name thing is awesome daddy all the way hihi


Keep up the great work. I like the name option idea as well.


I will probably just replay the game as I am enjoying every minute of it. I myself am not into the whole master thing, but to each their own. Thank you for keeping us informed on your thoughts.

Rick Ulrich

Yea I would rather be called Daddy then Master any day! And Big Daddy instead of your Majesty!