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Here it is at last! This release completes week 1, the first build of 4 planned. Version 0.8 will start the new build. Subsequent builds will be named "SerenityWk2", "SerenityWk3", and "SerenityWk4", with each starting it's own version numbers.

Serenity Week 1 (Final):
This update contains a few fixes that were not in the Patron release. The entire first scene in the game (with Trina) has been re-rendered, an issue during the "punish her" scene with Rin is resolved, and a few typos (nothing too major) as well as some minor fixes to plot content. I will continue going back through week 1 and making the improvements as mentioned. Currently planned improvements include the following: First scenes in Trina's office (re-render, bad lighting, FOV issue <<<DONE, First scenes when MC arrives on the island (and all scenes on that ugly, blank land mass) - they're shit, to put it simply and I knew it then. Now I've learned what I needed to address it and will redo all of that. Beyond that, there are various other renders I want to redo, some fixes and cleaning up of the code, reorganizing, etc.. Adding 1 or 2 more animations, possibly the shower scene with Kat (complete redo of that whole scene), then possibly the sex scene with her later. Planned release for the "final" version of week 1 is before the end of February (hopefully well before).

About this release:
There are no choices for anything in this release. I needed to close out the week and there was just too much to cover. Sorry I know some of you were hoping for that. However, I am planning to add more choices in future builds. Also, just a quick hint... play the game until it kicks you back to the menu! And please turn on the music if you can. When the credits play at the end, you can click to read the last lines or just enjoy the credits (only 2 minutes long).

On Week 1 improvements:
So as I said, I'll be working on improvements to this build. If you find issues that you think I should take a look at, please join my discord and post them in the #bug_reports channel (if you are a patron). If you don't want to use discord or if you're not a patron, you are welcome to send me a private message here on Patreon, comment on this post, or hit me up on my itch.io page.

Serenity-0.7beta(b)-pc.zip (713mb)

Serenity-0.7beta(b)-mac.zip (696mb)

Serenity-0.7beta(b)-android.apk (714mb) 



woohoo thank you n2


Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am so excited!!! I just played through the game again last night and now I get to start a new play through. I know that I am only $2 member, but I am super grateful. I do not mind the linear play style, as I understand how difficult a CYOA story can be just witha regular text book. When it is a Visual Novel, which requires rendering images, it is so much more work. I would like to see some sidings in the future, like the part when the MC wakes up to Rin exposing herself to him. Then a later return to the mainline. But all in all, a truly amazing story. Thank you. And I hope next month I will be able to increase my membership to something more along the lines of what you deserve.

Scott Wulf

Looking forward to trying this out tomorrow! Would love to try sooner, but sleep says otherwise! Gonna be fun!


Spoiler Alert:I am an Android player and I think I found a coding glitch. When Punishing Rin in her Dojo, it jumps directly to her Assention. But other than that; awesome!!!


It was a simple typo in my coding... fix will be in the "final" release. Thanks again :)


I did another play through where I did not punish Rin and everything was how it should be. Just wanted to let you know. The error is only in the punishment side.