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Hello my friends! I hope the new year is starting out okay for you all. Put aside the political shit going on here in the US, and any other drama going on in your part of the world and remember that in here, we are all friends and have our own little world. We love these visual novels because they bring us some peace and take us away from the outside world for a little while at least. The image posted with this update is just something I put together in Koikatsu (KK). I use AI to create Serenity's visuals but I do love the simplicity of KK as well. One day I'll probably make a game using that. But for now, this is the KK version of Serenity's main girls.

Version 0.7 (Day 7 of Week 1):
This final update will close out the first week of Serenity, and will be the last update to this build. I have completed coding it and I am currently about one third the way through rendering the scenes. Day 7 will bring 2 lewd scenes with animations (you can probably guess who those will be with but I won't spoil it). One animation is already completed.

Version 0.8 (Day 8 - start of Week 2 and new build):
I've had many comments and requests to add more choices. I am planning to try doing more of that in Week 2. Although, keep in mind that Serenity has no "paths" or branches and adding them to create different endings would take a lot of time, stretching releases out a lot longer. I'd rather press forward with what I have and complete Serenity as originally planned, but adding more minor choices and possibly add bonus scenes based on those choices. Once Serenity is completed, I do have a couple of other projects planned that are much more of a 'game' than Serenity is. I have always wanted to create a "choices matter" game. I consider that the next stepping stone for me. I want to make something for you guys that hasn't been already done. There are so many AVN's out there that have the same basic concepts and plots. As you've already seen with Serenity, I try not to follow that pattern. My focus is creating cute girls and writing an interesting story that doesn't follow the same standards that you're used to. Also, I definitely want to have no more than 3 girls in my next project, especially if there will be branches based on choices. I may even limit that to 2 girls in my first go at that type of AVN. But the goal will be a much more "fleshed out" story and improved character development. I know that I didn't spend quite enough time developing personalities in Serenity and I am trying with each new update to add more character to the girls. You should notice a difference as Week 2 comes into a couple of updates. And of course there is the all-important rendering. Without the images, it is just a story. Obviously, I still have a lot to learn but I have also come a long way since those terrible first scenes, especially on the island that was pretty much bare.

Moving forward and 0.7 release date:
The planned release date for 0.7 is 31 January. Barring any technical issues, you should see the update no later than that. Having Cryoxxx stressing over the animated parts for me has taken a load of my shoulders because I am WAY too slow with them. When I get to a point where there is an animation, instead of spending so much time trying to get that right, I can pass it to him and keep rendering the rest of the scenes. After release, I'll be spending a month on improvements to the first build which will include (but not limited to): Re-rendering the first scenes with Trina in her office (lighting and FOV issues); Add an animation in the shower scene with Kathryn and some minor fixes in some of those renders; and the main thing - populate the island with foliage and grass, general scenery and completely re-render all of the scenes that are outside on the bare island (first time meeting Morgan, etc.). If Cryoxxx has time, possibly replace my terrible animations from Kathryn's sex scene (where she ascends).

With all that said:
I have a LOT of work to do guys. With what I've learned so far, I can't call "week 1" complete until I go back and make these improvements. So, for my Patrons - the month of Feburary will not see a new release (version 0.8, new build) since I'll be spending that month on polishing off Week 1. If you guys want to stop your subscriptions for that month it will NOT hurt my feelings. Keep in mind though: the improved version of Week 1 will be released exactly the same way as normal releases - to $5, $10, and $15 Patrons first, $2 Patrons 5 days later, then public 5 days after that. The first release of the new build (week 2 - 0.8) will be a BIG one so it is very possible it could be a bit longer than 1 month before release, depending on how long it takes me to complete the week 1 improvements.

Thank you!
As always, I am very appreciative of all my followers and patrons alike. And I also want to thank my itch followers and those on itch who have chosen to pay for my game with small donations. Your comments and constructive feedback help me keep going and hopefully keep improving. After Serenity has been completed, I have a feeling my next project might be even better. So keep up with my updates and posts, and I love hearing from you guys! I try to respond to every message and comment I can. If I miss you, please jump on Discord and yell at me over there. Love and peace to you all... now back to work. 




so cute


I am still enjoying the game and will wait for the next update. Unfortunately, I am only a $2 subscriber so I will have to wait even longer. Keep us notified with these posts and the true supporters will stay with you. Just keep up the great work, and you will have solid supporters.


No worries and keep your eyes on alerts. I am known for releasing early to $2 patrons. ;)


Woo hoo!! You just made my night 2 times. One for replying, and the second for the chance.


Absolute Emezing!