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感謝你點進這個頁面,這邊是小漾樣的Patreon頁面~ 每個月會放上新的的創作作品,都是我費盡心血去拍攝的 如果你覺得喜歡,別忘了給我一個支持唷(ノ>ω<)ノ~~~~

Thank you for coming to my Patreon , Twoyun's Cosplay ! Every month I will upload new photoshoot works , which are all hard work by me! If you like them , don't forget to subscribe ~~~~

每個月的獎勵照片檔案會在購買的「下個月10號前」發送 我的Patreon訂閱為即刻扣款,訂閱當下系統網站會立刻扣款付款喔! 訂閱視同同意且了解這個規則!不接受隨意要求退款,還請多多注意(´;ω;`)

Every month's rewards will be sent before the next month's 10th. My Patreon is Charging Up Front ! Payment will be cut in the time when you subscribe! Subscribe means you read and agree the rules! Refund won't be accepted without proper reason.



Patreon will have different characters' photos in different Tiers. !

Past Tiers will be updated to Gumroad for purchasing.!


Added: 2024-07