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I was aiming to release all of the content for the huge Doomsday asset sets today, but there is a bit of a technical issue - namely that these packs are too big for Patreon to handle unless they are chopped up into dozens and dozens of small downloads, and they are even a bit too big for Itch, so I need a little time to get these assets organized in a way that will allow me to upload them to Itch and then connect them to here where you should be able to freely download them. The Doomsday Urban Tiles set alone is nearly 4GB and there are 17 total sets of assets.

So I am now aiming to have all of this stuff ready for you early next week (I can't do much work on this over the weekend due to RL circumstances). 

I apologize for the slight delay! But this is what will be coming along at the appropriate tiers for you all early next week:

  • *24,442 new tiles; these can be completely mixed-and-matched with the RPGTools RTP assets.
  • *30 animated apocalyptic vehicles (16 directions, animated for both moving and idling)
  • *57 background images
  • *281 character creator pieces (this includes the previously-released set that I added some fixes to, I will remove the older released pieces afterwards); these can be completely mixed-and-matched with the RPGTools RTP assets.
  • *32 new apocalyptic horrors ranging from killer androids and drones to mega mutants and bizarre experiments gone awry!
  • *839 themed icons, including icons for all of the weapons and clothing included in the character creator kits.

I appreciate you all waiting patiently for the end of the world! I promise, it is coming very, very soon!

Have a great weekend!




Will any of the content be usable in commercial projects?