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I apologize for the lack of communication and content, but worry not, I have been busy making a HUGE amount of content that will all be dumped upon you all at once!

I am teaming up with Joel Stuedler and some others for an upcoming Humble Bundle release that will feature these assets so I have been focused on getting the assets made all together.

Right now, there are somewhere in the vicinity of about 20,000 tiles (2 large main packs, one Urban, one Rural, and 7 expansion packs ranging from military to raider, junktown to bunker), an additional 100 character pieces on top of what was released already, nearly 900 icons for gear, equipment, weapons, items, etc, a bunch of background images, and more. I am also working on additional creatures and monsters. For the interior tiles, there is a mixture of pre-made rooms if you want to just have something you can quickly decorate and use and room pieces (individual walls, floors, stairs, doors, etc) to make your own custom rooms.

The idea is for me to have about 10-12 asset packs for the Humble Bundle, Joel Stuedler will have multiple music packs, sound effects, etc, that are themed for an apocalyptic setting (think Fallout radio, complete with fake advertisement jingles!), a special UI pack, and more, all around the Doomsday theme. It'll be huge!

But for you guys, you will get everything I am making, of course. You will get every last tile, character piece, monster, background, and icon.

This will be the single-largest release of assets to date, and should be more than enough to make a full game from. The assets also mix and match with the previously-released fantasy tiles and character pieces, so you can expand your library of assets exponentially. 

I don't have a ton of time left to make more assets before the deadline for the Humble Bundle submission, so my focus will be on cranking out as many assets as I can between now and then. Once I hit that deadline, I will then release everything to you guys all at once. 

It will be enough assets to end the world!

Here are some additional images of what's coming your way in the very near future!

Here are a few samples of some of the room pieces in use (individual walls and floors etc):

And here are a couple samples of pre-made rooms:

This one is a mixture - the pieces are pre-made but arranged to form the complete scene as seen here:

And here are some additional images:

I want to thank you guys for sticking with me and all of these (and more!) will be released very soon for you! Thank you and have a great week!




Great work! But I hope you return to medieval fantasy graphics soon! :)


I love these, any idea when the humblebundle will be released?