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This skeleton took a lot less time than I initially anticipated.

My first thought when making this monster was to take some of the human animations and apply them to a skeleton body, which would have been a little bit of a time-consuming endeavor (but nowhere near as time-consuming as making them all from scratch).

However, with a little outside-the-box thinking, I ended up actually making the skeleton body a part of a human character's "clothes" so to speak, and then made the human character invisible, thus leaving the spooky boi. What this did is make the skeleton body move exactly in conjunction with the human character, so every single animation that the human characters have, the skeleton has as well.

This will let me make a large variety of skeleton types with very little additional work - skeletons with clothing, armor, weapons, etc. You could even potentially add some existing male character pieces to the skeleton sprite sheets. They might not align exactly due to the fact that the skeleton is "inside" the human so there might be some gaps/spaces between where you see the visible skeleton and where the clothes/armor/weapons rest on the fleshy meatbag human.

Due to this, I am releasing the skeleton base as a "character piece" so to speak, making it available to the Gold Chest tier and above instead of just the Platinum Chest tier and above.

At any rate - Enjoy!




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