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Whew, that was a long and stressful month+

The missus and I moved from Nebraska to Tennessee for her work, so having to pack up everything, then the movers take it, and then waiting weeks for delivery, and then finding out my workstation was destroyed in the move, then ordering a new workstation, then waiting on delivery and delays of delivery for the new workstation... it was not fun.

I was not able to create as much content for you all as I wanted to during this time of transition. I did have my laptop and I did crank out some stuff for things like ores, ingots, wooden boards, and the like, but I would have liked to have done more. I think I lost a few Patrons because of this (and the end-of-the-month shuffle).

For that, I do apologize. Without my workstation, I was not able to make character pieces or new monsters, so I give a second apology to those Patrons at those tiers since they most certainly did not get the most out of the dollar, and these days every dollar counts. In this regard I do feel like I let you guys down and I am sorry about that, but I do recognize that the majority of the situation was out of my hands.

Moving forward now, though, the first thing I am doing is making a new monster base (a skeleton, based on a promise to a Patron who has been very patient for about a month now), and this base will allow me to create a large number of skeleton varieties which I am pretty excited about.

I will also be working on some new character pieces as well very soon to start getting those going again and adding to the ever-expanding repertoire of options. I also spoke with the person making the Character Maker software - he took a short hiatus while I was incommunicado and moving, but is diligently working towards a beta release for the software. It has certainly taken longer than either of us expected, but a lot of that is laying groundwork for potentially expanding the software and its tools as well as things like potential steam integration.

I will also be making a post soon that contains the summary of the previous month+ releases incase anyone feels they might have missed something, they can check that post. I will also be updating the monthly free resource pack rotation.

Again, my apologies for the very long delay, but today is the first day I can get back to normal work and I am excited to do so. 

Thank you all for your patience, and I have you guys have a great day!





No worries. On a slightly unrelated note, if you need a day trip to destress, Cummins Falls State Park in Tennessee is a hidden wonder. Just make sure to wear shoes that protect the toes and clothing that can get wet.