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In spite of the business of preparing to move to a new state, getting movers organized, etc, this past month saw a number of resources released. You can find them here:

Female Mage Character Pieces 

Gray Wyvern 

Gray Wyvern High-Res Image 

29 Supplemental Tiles 

128 Fieldstone and Wood Building Tiles 

Female Knight Character Pieces 

Undead Dragon 

Undead Dragon High-Res Image 

57 Pieces of Egyptian Pottery and Instruments/Misc Tiles 

88 Sandstone Building Tiles

9 Giant Monster Skull Tiles 

6 Desert Ground Tiles 

141 New Wood Building Tiles 

8 Desert Ground Tiles 

Male Commoner Character Pieces 

41 Desert Cliff Tiles 

We are still in the midst of moving. As I write this, we are still awaiting on the moving company to bring us our stuff. I will be able to get a little work done via laptop, but much more will be accomplished once my workstation is once more in my possession. 

Moving forward, this month I would like to continue to add to the desert-themed tiles with some sarcophagi, gems, and other such objects. There are a number of requests I will try and tackle as well, such as awnings/market tent pieces, roof beams, additional facings for roof tiles (north, east, south, and west) among others.

I do want to thank you all for your patience during our move. It is stressful to move from one state to another and have all of your belongings in the hands of strangers for so long, all the while trying to get a new place set up and ready to live. Your support continues to mean the world to me.

Thank you!




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