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I just wanted to give an update to all Patrons - I am currently moving and this is the last post I will be making from my current home. The movers are coming tomorrow to pick up everything and I will be making the long drive the following day. During this time I will not have my main computer, which will mean I will not be making new character pieces or monsters, which I need my main computer to do so. 

I will, however, have my laptop and should be able to make some more tiles while I await my belongings to arrive which, as it currently stands, is somewhere between August 3 and 13, but with moving companies in the middle of the summer who knows. So until then, there will only be tile updates, and they won't be every single day since I need to set up the new place, and will need to unpack when the movers get here, etc.

Once all of that is settled, things should return to normalcy, with regular updates for not just tiles but also character pieces and monsters.


On a somewhat divergent note, if there are any pressing requests for certain tiles that I can make during this time, please do let me know! I do plan on working on some new ones, such as the following: 

  • Alternative tiles for floors to add variety
  • Sarcophagi for the desert-themed tiles
  • Gems/Jewels
  • New roof tile set
  • Additional ground texture tiles and decals (not just for desert)
  • New roof facings to cover north, east, south, and west facings (and the necessary pieces for the existing roof tile sets).
  • Possibly awnings/merchant tent type tiles

That's what I have on my current docket while I don't have my main computer. How much of that gets accomplished somewhat depends on what I need to do in order to get my new place set up and how long I need to wait for the movers.

If there is anything you'd like to add to the list, feel free to let me know! 

Thank you guys, you rock!


Edit: I also will not be particularly able to participate in the discord channel much during this time either. If I can get discord to work properly on my ancient laptop, I will, but the best place to leave any suggestions might be here in this update. Thanks!




Good luck! Moving sucks! Thanks for keeping us informed.


I'd like to see some mage accessories and a floating ball of light by their shoulder.