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«I'm ready for bed, honey.»

Hello! It's time for another weekly progress report. And it's number 30 in 2020. Man, time flies.

As always, there's not much to report. The renders are almost finished. I have to make exactly two more scenes, and some amount of various additional pictures that I have yet to figure out. Overall, the technical part of this update had almost no setbacks this month, and it makes me blissful.

What doesn't make me blissful, is that I have almost no time to actually write my scenes. I only get, like, a couple of hours before midnight every day to continue the story, and it's just bullshit. In other situation I would've promised you the test version next week, but I don't even know, honestly. Well, at least I can make a lot of teasers… Although it doesn't help that 90% of the renders have sex in them, so I can't show these on Patreon. We'll make do.

As of now we have eleven sex scenes, and I'm going to add two more. There's also a lengthy non-sexual, but pretty erotic scene for Blake, so that's fourteen. Not that many, but this update wasn't fun-centred to begin with. It's all about Blake's self-realisation. And honestly, I don't remember being so thrilled about the new update before. I put my writing skills on a test with this one, and I'm positively ecstatic to hear your thoughts about it once it's done.

Well, that's about it. Thank you, and have a nice time of the day!



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