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Hello! Time for another weekly report.

Sorry for not making a special picture this time. I just finished rendering a huge (and, without a doubt, a future fan favourite) scene, and I'm just exhausted. So, here's Tanya's sprite. What's in the bag? Not gonna tell yet, but that's a big deal, and Blake will not expect that.

As for the development itself, it's slowly moving forward. Once again I have troubles with finding time to actually write the scenes, so my script is severely lagging behind, but it's nothing new, and I was able to handle in in the past. Meanwhile, we have almost 90 renders already, and this is about 60% of everything I planned for v0.9. We might get more: depends on the time, of course.

Also, a little bit about the structure of the update. The vast majority of content will be put into the second day, where you meet dr. Lowe and go through the first therapy session. Every main route except Melinda's will have their events put into it (there's a reason for this, naturally). We currently put Kira's story on hold, because there's just too much stuff to sort, but we'll return to her in v0.10. And speaking of which…

As you probably remember, I promised to think about the future schedule. And I thought about it. After the release of v0.9 we're going to have a poll: whether to keep the monthly schedule, or go for something bigger and more time-consuming. This is a huge deal, because as of now I constantly have to «hide» the characters from the updates in order to fit everything I need in. Now that we're finally getting the bimbo route and a vast array of different paths on other routes, I can no longer use the same method. Either something gets cut, or I switch to longer development cycles to ensure that everything is going to work exactly as I envisioned it. But I still need your approval, so take your time to think about it. But I really want to highlight it: I hope you'll vote for change. Especially since not much is going to change for you: you'll still get the monthly versions, they just will be slightly shorter, but way wider.

But that's for the future. As of now I want to, one again, thank you for your support, and ensure you that you'll get v0.9 in its best possible shape. Have a nice day!



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