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And if you don't want to talk about it, you can look at Blake examining dr. Lowe's polished hog.

Okay, first thing first, I have some bad news. Bree's gardening scene is giving me a lot of shit. It's practically unrenderable, and I don't know what to do with it yet. Luckily for me, there's plenty of time. Would be way worse to find this out closer to end of the month.

Other than that, everything is fine. So let's discuss what we're going to see in v0.9 among other important things.

Point A: We're saying our goodbyes to Lucia, as she leaves the game. Maybe she will eventually return, but it won't happen until Blake lands in Deliverance, and at this point she probably won't be needed anymore. Unlike other leaving characters though, Blake at least will be able to bid her farewell.

Point B: As some of the previous secondary characters depart, others are growing in their importance. In v0.9 you might learn some things about Tanya, Claude and Troy, and not all of them look nice. What does that mean for Blake? That depends on you. I won't lay all cards open as of now, we need some thrilling additional routes (especially of non-sexual kind, Blake is getting too much sex recently, he needs to remember that there's life outside of his bed). Oleg being alive somewhere is no longer cutting it.

Point C: Samuel was our last main character without a true/non-true route distinction, and it ends now. Congratulations, all three people who play his route! This is the reason why I'm once again giving two scenes for Melinda and Samuel, even though I had different plans initially. But there's a good opportunity, and it needs to be seized.

Point D: I'm going to start a little experiment with v0.9 and will hide a secret scene in the game which you might get only by following very specific routes, where every choice matters. So, no point summary or anything like this. It will be a reward of sorts for those who enjoy playing paths less travelled. Since it's just an experiment I can't promise you that it's gonna be continued. Also, in case of me being behind the schedule, these scenes will be cut first, as you can imagine. Still, it's fun making something completely unrelated to the routes we already have.

So, that's about it for now. Any questions? Feel free to ask.



Wild Bill

Gardening scene hard to render? Too many leaves or something?


Pretty much. My computer can’t handle more than 2Gb of textures in the same shot, and both of my garden assets are way more detailed than that. There are utilities to shrink the size of the textures, but the downside is that the scene starts looking like shit (especially if it has a lot of small object like leaves), and Blake is going to spend a lot of time in this garden in the future. So… gotta search for something better.

Wild Bill

Ah, I thought maybe it was taking a long time to render because of lots of little surfaces like leaves cause lots of ray bounces. If it's a VRAM issue, those aren't nearly so easy to fix. 2GB though? Damn, that's low. I think mine is 11 or something.