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A poster of every Alliance soldiers dreams.




This reminds me of those old school playboy's pinup gals from the 50's, but maybe a little more skin shown in this piece than in the playboy I looked at.

Supreme Overlord Llama

Sign me up right now, of course only if I can serve under her. Also this is a really cool Pin up. Probably one of my favorite images you have done so far.


Hehe, that is what I was kinda going for :D I did also plan for it to be a little less revealing, but she just looked too good like this :P


Haha, sign me up too. But Liara is the only one allowed to work directly under her, Kiras words :P Thanks :D I do like doing these kinds of images aswell, might see more soon.


Ha ha, I agree with you, just too good to look at. I look forward to your future work and you will always have my support


i hope that's her hat :) because there are rules about wearing a sailors hat ;)


I am unfamiliar with these rules, but it is Her hat, so don't need to worry :P


If you wear a sailors hat for more than 30sec you have to sleep with him/her :)


Ooooh haha, well I think Liara will be stealing that hat pretty quickly now xD

Goddess Particle

I think that if a poster like this got out in ME world, the galactic economy would crash and some heads would explode. ;) It is most certainly a poster of every Alliance soldier's dreams.


We best keep it safe hidden here then :P Otherwise the reapers might actually win. Although, This poster might distract even them hehe

Goddess Particle

Hmm, distract them probably not. But I think Harbinger might find another use for her besides killing her.. might be why he tried to take her alive so many times. Haha! Damn pervert Harbinger.