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Every month Battle Yak Miniatures will release a new Battle Pack, featuring 3D printable miniature files! The October Battle Pack is the Twilight Calliope, clownish and capering manifestations of mortal terror born from a realm of nightmares!

Become a Patron now and gain access to the Twilight Calliope release!

Enjoy this gallery of Twilight Calliope miniatures and a glimpse into the lore behind the faction!


Come one, come all! The circus is in town! The carnival of the curious, the sideshow of the strange, the festival of the frightful!

Ladies and gentleman, creatures of the mortal sphere, the Twilight Calliope is here!

Witness arcane oddities and bizarre curiosities from the worlds behind the world! Behold dark wonders from the depths of your wickedest dreams! Explore the shadows of your most diabolical nightmares!

Step right up, the show's about to begin! The greatest show on this or any other world!

We wouldn't dream of starting without you!

-Ringmaster Barnaballum, King of the Calliope

Some fear the nights of the full moon as the hour when dark spellcraft is conducted, when creatures of the unnatural are granted strength and dark vitality. Others behold the night of the new moon with foreboding, seeing it as a symbol of unknown and unseen powers beginning their enigmatic work. But at the dark times of the half moon, when the year's longest nights are caught between light and darkness, that is when the world lies on the edge. The edge of unseen places, realms of dreaming that lie beyond ordinary reality. On such nights, strange music can be heard in the cold air, strange lights glimpsed in the distance. Fog coils around the towering tented spires of a strange and otherworldy carnival. There is laughter, and merriment, and a booming voice welcoming one and all.

The Twilight Calliope has come to town.

The vanguard of the Twilight Calliope are the Rollicking Squats. Ghoulish figures with long gangly limbs, these fiends caper about madly like deranged acrobats, ducking and leaping and diving about in a frenzy. There is no pattern or choreography to their movements, yet somehow they never seem to interefere with one-another, missing each other by a hair as they fling themselves forwards at random. When they close ranks with their chosen foes, they deal death with their horrific Chattertooth weapons, living weapons clustered with toothy maws and gaping lidless eyes. These morbid weapons gnash their teeth and lash long drooling tongues, their eyes rolling wildly to stay fixed on a chosen target as their wielders gambol about.

Towering above the swarming ranks of their lesser kin, the nightmares known as Legerdemain Lynches act as dreadful focal points for other nightmares to rally around. Long and gangly of limb, lynches wield deadly Chattertooth weapons with each of their four arms. Their voices are horribly deep, though like most of the nightmares they seem incapable of coherent speech and instead simply chortle and guffaw endlessly, amused by anything and everything as they mash screaming mortals flat with hammers or chop them apart with chattering axes.

Spindly and graceful nightmares, the Clowntrick Harlequins dance with impossible movements, their too-long limbs carrying them through hypnotic dances at once beautiful and disturbing. Their existence is a mocking parody of mortal beauty and dancing grace, and they seem to enjoy nothing more than making a spectacle of their every attack, treating battle as a play to entertain rather than a matter of life and death struggle.

Swarming amidst their larger brethren like a living tide of horror are the Gigglekin. Diminutive nightmare imps, they are individually rather weak, though still capable of dealing a horrific wound with their gaping toothy maws. However it is their seemingly endless numbers that truly make them a formidable threat.

The Gigglekin overwhelm larger and stronger enemies with their superior numbers, pulling down the foe and gnawing them to death with a hundred laughing, leering maws. They are also capable of astounding concerted effort, pilling themselves upon one-another in all manner of absurd configurations in order to attack.

Whether clawing up one-another to form living towers, linking themselves arm in arm to make lumbering acrobatic formations, or even rolling themselves together in a giant ball to bowl over the enemy, the Gigglekin demonstrate impossible coordination and unnatural capability. The only limit to their ability seems to be their own twisted imagination.

As the mayhem of the nightmares reaches some fever pitch, the more hideous of the Twilight Calliope's manifestations begin to show themselves. Lumbering into battle with swarms of tiny Gigglekin shrieking happily at their feet, the monstrous Giggleking makes its presence known. It's perpetual smiling face halloos endless encouragements to his tiny subjects, while the massive toothed maw in its belly belches a seemingly endless tide of the Gigglekin forth. The bloated nightmare will even pluck up some of the Gigglekin and hurl them with unerring aim at the enemy, their toothy mouths gnashing like some horrible little machine for biting off faces.

The Twilight Calliope is a horror that comes from beyond the mortal realm. Beyond the natural world of Jerra where mortal races live and war, there are other realms, dimensions of primal elemental magic, planes of mental energy, even realms where thoughts and abstract concepts take on real tangible forms. There are realms where dreams exist as worlds, inhabited by nightmares brought to life. The Twilight Calliope is itself one such realm, a living realm made of fears and fancies reflected from innumerable other worlds. While normally kept separate from natural dimensions by the nature of the cosmos, at the proper time and place the Twilight Calliope may exude itself into the mortal world, like some deep sea predator ejecting its stomach into the shell of a prey creature.

The aims of the Calliope and its reasons for coming to the mortal sphere are likely beyond the understanding of sane, rational souls. It is a force of nightmare and unreality, a living dream made from mortal terror. It exists to instill fear in mortal hearts and reap a bloody toll in lives every time it appears.

The Twilight Calliope takes the form of a traveling carnival viewed through the lens of madness. Springing into being on long nights lit by a half moon, when the veil between dimensions is thin, the Calliope is a kingdom of towering big top tents, colorful canvas pavillions, and painted covered wagons. Distorted music fills the air, as if from damaged pipe instruments and ancient wheezing accordians, and all manner of brightful dressed and costumed characters cavort and frolic between the tents, hustling and bustling too and fro. Incautious and curious mortals drawn from their nearby homes by the strange sights and sounds approach to investigate, only to find a sea of smiling, leering faces with greasepaint skin and too-wide grins turn to fix sightless gazes upon them. And then out come the knives, the hatchets, the mallets, and other implements of violence, the weapons festooned with chattering teeth and lidless staring eyes. The music rises to a fever pitch, and the fun begins...

The bloody festivities of the Calliope's nightmares pour out from the carnival kingdom to ravage nearby settlements, spreading carnage through the streets. Barricades are torn down and doors ripped from their hinges, the horror of the Calliope spilling into buildings and homes, the screams of the dying mingling with the laughter of the nightmares. As the city burns and its defenders fight desperately in the streets, the Calliope grows unnaturally to engulf it. Stripped tents groan and stretch higher than fortified walls and castle spires. Creaking roller-coaster tracks and scaffolds stride spider-like through the streets. Waves of patchwork canvas flow impossibly along the streets, turning the ground underfoot into lumpy loose-stitched fabric.

Running all throughout the nightmare landscape are patchwork fabric tubes that sprawl and coil like creeper vines, wriggling and burrowing in between folds of fabric. These horrible arteries throb with unnatural life, like the veins of some great patchwork beast, fueling the transformation of the waking world into a realm of nightmares. The pulsing arteries all flow back to the heart of the Twilight Calliope, the largest and most elabroate big top tent, where a deep pulsing bass sound can be felt underlying the carnival music, like the slow beating of some hideous heart...

Come one, come all! Step right up! The Twilight Calliope is in town! And the show is about to begin!


Drop by the Official Battle Yak Discord to see the latest news and sales and chat with the community about what  kinds of projects you'd like to see next! You can also follow Battle  Yak Miniatures on twitter, facebook, and instagram.

Always check out the Battle Yak Miniatures online store for the latest sales! During the Battle Yak Miniatures Halloween Sale this October, be sure to use the code YAKOWEEN when buying the spookiest Battle Yak minis to get 50% OFF!



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