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Haunting laughter and twisted music heralds the coming of the Twilight Calliope! The nightmares of the Calliope will be putting on a show in the next Battle Yak Miniatures Battle Pack, available early this October!

Rollicking Squats are the hard-hitting vanguard of the Twilight Calliope. These capering ghouls never cease their mad cackling as they dance into the ranks of their victims, reaping a bloody toll with their frightful Chattertooth weapons.

Rollicking Squats come with a variety of nightmarish customization options, including modular heads and weapons.

The Legerdemain Lynches tower above the other nightmare manifestations of the Twilight Calliope, focal points for lesser horrors to rally around. Their hideous stretch-limb forms cavort about madly, horrifying and distracting their victims before they strike with their deadly weapons.

Lynches wield massive two-handed Chattertooth weapons, and can also use the same arsenal as the Rollicking Squats.

Spindly and graceful nightmares, Clowntrick Harlequins dance amidst the foe with impossible movements before lashing out with their deadly weapons. Harlequins have their own customization options, including heads and unique weapons.

The tiny Gigglekin swarm around their larger brethren, a living tide of shrieking, mocking, giggling nightmare imps. Though smaller in size, their vast numbers enable them to overwhelm larger and stronger foes.

Gigglekin also demonstrate an incredible ability to work together in concert, contorting themselves into all manner of impossible configurations to attack.

Look at them go! Ha haah!

So many of them, so many different shapes.

Good grief.

There will also be a thematic base set, the Nightmare Big Top base set. The lumpy stitched fabric underfoot ripples and throbs, and stitched-together cloth arteries pulse with unsettling life, feeding the unknowable horror of the Twilight Calliope.

The Twilight Calliope release will include everything you see here, and more! They will be available early this October!


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No pinup this month?


There will be, it falls under 'and more!' (Doing some revisions on it, wasn't happy with the current version when I had its display all set up.)