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The Bloodborn Eldarch II: Beast Hunters release approaches! The hunt beings soon! Enjoy this preview of the next upcoming Battle Pack, available early this May!

Sanguine Indictors are the swift and skillful instrument of the Bloodborn Eldarch, ranging ahead of larger forces to explore wilderness and ancient ruin in search of treasure, and the beasts that guard it.

Indictors have a variety of customization options, including modular heads and weapons, as well as decorative item options.

Populating hidden ruins and buried cities of the ancient eldarch are the debased Blood-Starved Barghelds, withered and ghoulish beasts drawn to the presence of magical energy.

Barghelds have their own arsenal of customization options, with multiple modular heads and weapons.

Barghasts are a larger and more vicious breed of beast, towering cousins of the lowly barghelds. Some of these monsters, when glutted on corrupted magic, become Blood-Drunk. These can become truly horrific, encrusted with growths of crystallized, stagnant magic, their flesh crawling and splitting apart as it mutates into even more terrible shapes.

Finally, this release comes with a set of themed sculpted bases, the Scarlet Undercity Base Set. These bases depict some fallen ruin of the eldarch's golden age, polluted with crystallized magic that attracts and empowers the beasts that the Bloodborn Eldarch hunt.

The Bloodborn Eldarch II: Beast Hunters release will be available early this May!


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Mini Manatee

Look so good! Loved the first set of these and this is a great expansion!


Wow! Two armies in one month. 🤩 Cannot wait for the presupported files to be released.