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Hello everyone! Please enjoy this preview of the upcoming May Battle Pack, the second wave of the Bloodborn Eldarch! 

The Bloodborn Eldarch delve into the ancient ruins of their lost golden age to reclaim knowledge and artifacts, ever striving to reclaim their former glory. Sanguine Indictors are lightly armored scouts, seeking safe paths through dark and deadly places. Their keen eyes and keener blades always find the enemy.

Lurking in the ruins of former eldarch greatest are the Bargheld, withered and wretched creatures little more than beasts. Possessed of low cunning and fanatical viciousness, packs of such twisted things present formidable obstacles to the Bloodborn Eldarch and their many quests, as the creatures somehow feed off magical energies. Some speculate that these fiends share some common heritage with the eldarch themselves, but such absurd rumors are swiftly silenced by the Bloodborn authorities.

Both units featured here will include their own arsenal of customization options, including weapons, decorations, modular heads, and more! Keep an eye out of the final preview of the release coming later this week! Bloodborn Eldarch II: the Beast Hunters will release in early May!


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