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Hey all! The February release, the Primal Heart Eldarch II: Evolution, is available now to patrons, the latest store release is on sale at the Battle Yak Miniatures online store, and work has begun on the next Battle Pack release - the Runehorn Stampede!

The Runehorn are a peaceful sect of tauroch mystics who harness spiritual energies with specially crafted runes bonded to their bodies. Their lives are spent in training and meditation to achieve greater understanding of the cosmos, personal growth through enlightenment, and the ability to break every bone in an enemy's body with a single devastating blow.

They're peaceful, but not particularly merciful.

Disciples who attain a mastery of the basic runes and forms earn the rank of Stonebreaker. They augment the power of their branded bodies through stone charms carved with additional runes. True to their name, their focused blows can shatter solid rock.

Like units from past releases, Stonebreakers will come with a variety of customization options, including modular heads and weapons. The Runehorn eschew bladed weapons and focus on blunt weapons instead, including tonfas, staves, nunchucks and similar, as well as their bare fists. Naturally they will be sculpted in a variety of combat-ready poses.

Future releases will preview additional Runehorn units and sculpting!


Drop by the Official Battle Yak Discord to see the latest news and sales and chat with the community about what  kinds of projects you'd like to see next! You can also follow Battle  Yak Miniatures on twitter, facebook, and instagram.

And check out the Battle Yak Miniatures online store for the latest sale! Get a discount on all Battle Yak Miniatures while the sale lasts!




nice! They'll be perfect match-ups for the Ironskarn