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Every month Battle Yak Miniatures will release a new Battle Pack, featuring 3D printable miniature files! The February Battle Pack is the Primal Heart Eldarch II: Evolution, An ancient race wielding the power of natural biology twisted to frightful extremes!

Become a Patron now and gain access to the Primal Heart Eldarch here! 

Enjoy this gallery of Primal Heart Eldarch miniatures and a glimpse into the story behind the faction!


Envision: three gardens ruled by three queens.
One queen makes good and righteous laws, ensuring fair and equitable treatment for all.
One queen builds an academy of learning that brings the joys of knowledge and innovation.
One queen raises a vast army and massacres the first two queens. Their people are food for moss and worms, their law and learning lost to the mud.

The future is ruled by one of these queens. It is not the queen of law or learning.
She is not kind.
But in the end, she is the one who rules.

-Strain-Matriarch Golani, Xala'Thustra Grove
Thoughstream treatise on The Shapes of Dominion

The eldarch of the Primal Heart have embraced the power of the natural world and turned it into the ultimate weapon. They shun industry and technology, and instead sculpt living flesh into whatever implement of conquest and destruction they require, molding the stuff of life like clay. From their nightmarish hive-cities, they sweep down on the foe like a plague of insects, each warrior a monstrous blend of eldarch, beast, and plant equipped with vicious living weapons. Their only thought is for supreme survival, to be the apex species, and only by rendering all other ways of life extinct can their supremacy be proven for all time.

Though they share an ancient heritage with the eldarch who live among other races in relative peace, time and strange powers have changed the eldarch of the Primal Heart into an almost entirely different form of life. Primal Heart eldarch are not born, they are grown, spawned in immense pools of organic ooze hidden deep within their hive-cities. Emerging from the spawning pools as thrashing, mewling larvae, the eldarch newborns mature quickly and are bonded to their living symbiotic armor carapaces almost immediately. This living armor will grow and evolve along with the maturing eldarch, transforming it from a soft-bodied larva into a mighty warrior bio-form, ready to take their place in the great design of the Primal Heart.

Eldarch of the Phyllarc strain form the military of the Primal Heart, responding to threats and carrying out campaigns of conquest and extermination. Primal Heart bio-forms take on a staggering array of evolved shapes, the carapace-symbiotes of the eldarch growing into different forms depending on the needs of the Primal Heart. Phyllarc Hornets are eldarch whose carapace has granted them functional wings, allowing them to soar high above the battlefield with great speed and agility. Their already acute eldarch senses are further augmented by their carapace, enabling them to avoid incoming attacks with preternatural reflexes. 

Phyllarc Imagos are the most common of the battle-ready eldarch. Their carapace augments their strength and speed, grants preternatural regenerative ability, and allows them to bond with the living weapons bred by the Primal Heart. Training in a wide variety of combat disciplines and tactics is carried out not only physically but mentally, with superior evolved ruling eldarch imparting knowledge through psionic bonding.

Everything the Primal Heart eldarch use is some form of living creatures, from their armored carapaces to the weapons they wield. All are living beings that have been bred by Primal Heart bio-viziers using their mysterious sorcerous alchemy and flesh-sculpting techniques. Entirely new forms of life have been birthed in the spawning chambers of the Primal Heart, and the eldarch are frequently accompanied in battle by symbiotic beasts bred to support and augment their forces. One form of symbiont is a largely immobile but highly psionic slug-like insect, carried into battle by the Imagos as a living icon to rally around. These psionic symbionts convey the orders of the ruling minds of the Primal Heart, allowing troops to adjust tactics at the speed of thought.

The eldarch once ruled the world of Jerra unopposed many millennia ago, until a time of great disaster known as the Age of Hunger brought their advanced civilization to an end. As their glorious citadels fell into ruin, handfuls of survivors fled into the darkest corners of the world, desperately searching for places of safety. The ancestors of the Primal Heart discovered a monumental secret in one such dark corner, a source of power that left them forever transformed.

Mutated and made one with all forms of life, possessed of a zealous desire to ensure their own survival at any cost, the Primal Heart eldarch have shaped themselves into the ultimate living weapons to ensure that they will never again be threatened with extinction. Paired with this drive to survive at any costs is the desire to prove their fitness by destroying all other potential rivals, as the ability to survive must be ever be tested. Only by exterminating those who mighty rival their strength can they affirm their own right to exist. This is the path of the Primal Heart.

The primary dominion of the Primal Heart eldarch are the sprawling jungles that cover the south of the continent of Zurvan. This great jungle peninsula has come to be known as Phyllarc by the wider world, named after the Primal Heart military strain that is most frequently encountered by other races. For millennia, the Primal Heart have grown their great hive-cities in the most remote regions of the land, their living spires towering over the jungle canopy and their vast tunnel-warrens extending deep underground. The Primal Heart has bred and trained vast armies of bio-forms and battle symbionts, readying for all-out war.

The time of that war is now. Something within the Primal Heart is stirring, driving them to turn their gaze out into the world. The other races are growing in strength, and mighty powers on are the rise.

The Primal Heart senses rivals.


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