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"What lengths will a man, or a woman, not go to in pursuit of their ambition? Be it for wealth, fame, power, or simple understanding, a mind determined to attain their desire can overcome any challenge, endure any suffering. In the pursuit of unlocking forbidden knowledge, of attaining one's desire, all other considerations wither.

But realizing one's desire is no guarantee of peace. And sometimes forbidden knowledge is forbidden for a reason..."

The Vril Medium is one of the most powerful and driven members of the Order of the Blue Flame. She has made tremendous sacrifices for the sake of knowledge of that most enigmatic of energies, the Vril. And when it comes to the Vril, the truism 'knowledge is power' is especially apt.

The Vril Medium channels the secret fire through use of the Vril Battery, an ancient a relic of a long forgotten era. Controlled by mental energies, the proper method of attuning with the relic had been lost to time, and so the Vril Medium developed an alternate method - she underwent a surgical procedure to have the control mechanism for the Battery implanted directly into her brain. The procedure was successful... for a given value of success.

The Vril Medium attained knowledge of the ancient civilization and control over the Vril, but it is fractured and incomplete. Visions assault her constantly, information pouring into her tortured brain without true understanding, and the fire of the Vril blazes within her always, aching to be released.  To control the burning fire, the Vril Medium is clad in a specially designed containment suit, woven with suppression mechanisms and ancient wards. 

The Vril manifests as blue flame when it can no longer be contained, and the Vril Medium can direct the energy and unleash it upon her foes in battle in great explosive bursts of burning blue fire. 

As her mastery over the Vril Battery grows, the Vril Medium is undergoing changes in her very nature. The fire is growing stronger within her every day, and if she cannot reign in her power, it may one day consume her entirely, and more besides...


The Vril Medium and many more Beyond Mortality miniatures are available now!

More Vril Medium variant sculpts will be developed in the future as well!



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