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Every month BattleYak Miniatures will release a new Battle Pack, featuring 3D printable miniature files!

The Battle Pack for April is SHARKZERKERS, featuring the  Bloodgreed Makoragh, a monstrous batch of shark-creature miniatures! Includes modular weapons and two sculpted base themes, allowing for a huge variety of customization.

Become a Patron now and get access to the April Battle Pack here!


The Bloodgreed Makoragh

"Don't gets me wrong; surface folk is tasty. But sumtimes its worth dealin' with 'em instead of eatin' 'em. Dey'll  give yer treasure and food and good gear and take yers on trips an stuff if'n yers do all the  fightin' they ain't got the muscle for, which is us'ly a fun time. And yer can always eats 'em arfter, or if'n they ain't give ya enough stuff, or if'n yers gets bored, or if'n yer just feel like it, really. Dey hardly ever sees it comin'!"

-Gorcosh Bigtooth, Mogul of the Bloodgreed Makoragh

The makoragh are a race of brutish humanoid creatures with shark-like attributes. Standing nearly twice the height of a human, they are a primitive and violent race, prone to ferocious outbursts of extreme violence followed by the consumption of the flesh of their victims. The scent of even a single drop of blood can drive a makoragh warrior into a frenzied state, and they will not stop their rampage until their ravenous hunger is satisfied. 

The makoragh's shark-like attributes include functional gills which allow them to breathe underwater. They can swim with tremendous speed, and although they rarely stray far from the ocean they are fully capable of breathing air and walking on dry land.

Like sharks, they possess mighty jaws filled with rows of razor sharp teeth, which are constantly shed and regrown at a rapid pace. A makoragh who suffers the misfortune of losing their entire set of teeth will have a replacement set regrown in a few days, though by then they will be nearly insane with hunger and any misfortune will lie with those who happen to be in close proximity.

Makoragh warriors, called bulls, will frequently band together into groups known as Frenzies. A Frenzy will prey upon anything living, from wild creatures of the deep, to the crews of ocean-going vessels and sea-side settlements. Entire coastal villages have been depopulated by particularly ravenous Frenzies, the howling shark-men erupting out of the sea and swarming onto land in search of prey. There is no hiding from a blood-hungry makoragh - their sensitive sense of smell can detect the warm blood of living creatures pumping through their veins, wherever they might shelter.

Makoragh warriors in the throes of bloodlust will even turn upon and attempt to devour each other. This behavior is the most frequent cause of a Frenzy's destruction, as the blood-mad bulls turn upon and destroy themselves.

Occasionally, however, a leader will emerge who is larger, stronger, smarter, and most importantly louder than the other makoragh. The booming, bellowing voice of this exceptional shark-creature will have an almost hypnotic effect on their lesser breathren, which while it may not halt their violence entirely will at least prevent them from becoming casualties of their own blood-hunger. The savvy and charismatic leader becomes known as a honcho, and their Frenzy often grows to much greater size under their leadership.

If a honcho is particularly successful, they may find themselves the leader of multiple Frenzies, with other honchoes acting as their lieutenants. Such a mighty leader may claim the title of mogul, the highest rank recognized in makoragh society.

A mogul-led Frenzy is a dangerous beast, menacing even fortified ocean-going flotillas and well-equipped naval fortresses. Occasionally, an especially cunning mogul may take it upon himself to strike a bargain with other races in exchange for supplies and feasting opportunities that the makoragh may not be able to secure on their own.

Shipping magnates and pirate kings have been known to secure makoragh Frenzies as a particularly dangerous and untrustworthy but highly effective mercenary forces. While makoragh have little use for treasure, they are content to fight for surface-dwellers in exchange for well-made weapons and large amounts of food - at least until they decide that their would-be employers would make a better meal.

One of the largest and most successful mercenary bands is the Bloodgreed Frenzy, who are prospering through their mercenary lifestyle, owing to the leadership of their mogul Gorcosh Bigtoof and his talent for knowing exactly when, and when not, to eat their contractors.

The exact origins of the makoragh are a mystery, with very few scholars willing to risk researching the frightful race. The makoragh themselves think little of their history - some have passed on simple tales of how the makoragh were once sharks who chased prey onto land and grew legs as a result.

This is almost certainly not the case.

It is speculated that, like the skitterkin, the makoragh were born from some brand of ancient creation magic gone wrong, and that the source of such magic must lie somewhere deep beneath the sea. In some of the largest and most cosmopolitan port settlements, makoragh mercenaries drunk on blood-grog may let their guard down around the surface folk and tell tales of the distant lands under the sea where the makoragh once lived, of realms where there is no warmth or light, where things lurk in the darkness that are hungrier than any makoragh...

Incidents of makoragh Frenzies attacking coastal settlements and raiding shipping lanes are increasing. More of the shark-men seem to be coming up from the deep sea every season. Some speculate that perhaps some event deep beneath the waves has stirred the creatures up, driving them out of their deep-water hunting grounds.

Or perhaps word has simply spread of the good hunting that can be had on the surface, and the Frenzies of the makoragh can sense blood in the water...


Become a Patron now and get access to the Sharkzerkers here!



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