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Good morning all! 🌞

I hope everyone is safe and well. May turned out to be quite the month for me! Coming off the back of a nasty bout of food poisoning, I tested positive for Covid early in May, and the symptoms have knocked me into a cocked hat for most of the month. I'm all better now, thankfully, and my energy levels are gradually returning to normal. I won't bore you with the details; suffice to say it wasn't a pleasant experience. Perhaps the only positive is that one of my characters will soon be getting Covid, so it should help with that. Though putting one of our very hungry ladies through the loss of taste sounds unusually cruel!

Another positive, is that getting through Covid has motivated me to be less pedantic about my writing, and to actually get my stories finished. I'm back to working on them every morning now The next chapter of The Lady Wot Lunched is so very nearly ready, as is the next episode of Life in Lockdown, which will hopefully add a bit of depth to Kari's character. And I'm still working on The Perfect Dress.

In the meantime, as a small reward for your patience here's a random picture of a very big businesswoman passing a bus stop. I created this some time ago, and still haven't settled on a character background and story idea for the pic. For now, we'll just say that I'm trying to channel her clear sense of purpose.

Stay safe. More to come soon!

Hal x




I'm glad to hear that you alright. Take care.

eric ortiz

I’m happy to hear you are doing better.


Happy to hear you are well and thats a fantastic pic! Love her look and attitude and of course her creamy cappuccino or mocha or latte.


Glad you are feeling better


an idea for a future episode of TLWL: would be interesting to see what would happen if all 3 of them had to get into the back of a taxi after a big night out. Wonder if they would all fit?


I like this! Nothing like feeling the sinking suspension a car when a heavy hottie gets in the back.


Girl's gotta have her morning sugar bomb! Calories in drinks don't count, right?


All the best on your recovery! I'm really looking forward to more TLWL too. Speaking of where it might go next... I'm very curious how Gemma might react to having been told that men like her for her generous figure. I know you like writing characters who're in blissful denial of their gluttony and fatness –and it's great! But I'm dying to see just how smug, greedy, and shameless one of them might become once they realise that their overeating can actually work in their favour.