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Hello Amazing Patrons,

I hope you're doing well! It is that time, again, where you get to give me some feedback!

As I said before, I have the entire rest of the year mapped out modding wise but I'm always interested in your take on what you'd like to see. Here's some ideas I'm thinking about and would love to know which ones you're most interested in. I will end up doing most if not all in the end. 

I will also be doing some updates to my current mods. For instance, for a long time many have been asking to add cancer to HCR; it's coming. Additionally, I will update Youth and Family Activities so that infants can develop milestones at Daycare. And add school bake sales and fundraisers to Education Overhaul. 

Feel free to also let me know of something that's not listed. I make no promises, but appreciate any and all suggestions from you.


Marie Giffin

I love so much everything you do! My request is if there is a way for more physical affection. Like cuddling on the couch and watch a movie, or cuddle in bed and sleep OR cuddle in bed and watch tv? Maybe the option to lay on the couch alone and watch tv vs always having to sit there?

Sam D.

I would love elder game play that is not plagued by the ageism that is baked into the game and also other elder mods. Please include an option to turn off all elder idles (so offensive). I would love game play for activities that are life affirming and respect the experience and wisdom elders have - offers to have profiles written up on their lives, be interviewed by local media, sit on panels for their expertise (use whatever skill or career they are high in), open a consultation service (for free or pay in whatever skill or career they are high in), etc. Also game play that respects that elders have time for new beginnings - perhaps new social groups, new love interests, travel opportunities, new educational activities, elder activism, serving community. Writing memoirs! Also maybe could integrate with yr health mod for new things like arthritis, viagra, supplements, menopause HRT, etc.


Animations of that sort you can find with Mercuryfoam here on patreon. Great animations, I have them too.


What happened to the private school mod?