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This is a mod which offers some changes to the game's mechanism for Sims to deal with both their own impending end of life and the passing of others they knew. It keeps the game's death mechanics the same (so no medical examiner or anything) but changes how sims can respond before and after.

It rebalances grief responses to be based on your sim's relationship and relationship level and if your sims ever met with the deceased; allows elders to actually get their affairs in order by buying life insurance policies which payout to specified beneficiaries, making amends, impart wisdom, make legacy philanthropic donations;  introduces the five stages of grief for sims who pass who are close to your active household; adds bereavement leave and bereavement activities; allows for obituaries can be written for the deceased; and has an option for making final arrangements for a loved one who has died within the active family.

Thanks to everyone who tested the mod; I greatly appreciate you.

How It Works

Estate Planning

Sims Young Adult and older have the option to begin estate planning. This menu is available under the adeepindigo computer menu. They can look into life insurance options, speak to an estate lawyer, research estate planning, and sign up for life insurance and change beneficiary information.

Life Insurance and Death Benefits

When Sims sign up for life insurance, they can choose a plan that will pay out the household of the Sims they select.

Sims can select more than one beneficiary and can add or remove beneficiaries at any time until death.

When a Sim dies, a beneficiary will be notified that they have three days to claim the death benefits owed to them and submit a claim. It takes 1-2 business days for claims to be processed. Once processed, the household of the Sim who submitted the claim will receive the life insurance payout.

Stages of Grief

When a Sim dies (as witnessed by the active household), Sims in the active household will get buffs based on their relationship to the deceased. The strength, duration, and mood of the buffs is based on how well the sims knew each other, they relationship status, and relationship levels.

How this further differs from the original buffs is that this now allows the Sim to pass through stages of grief (shock/denial, bargaining, anger, depression, and acceptance) for that Sim. They should also have this happen even if they do not witness the death but instead receive the death notification call.

Sims will also receive food offerings from sims sending their condolences. Additionally, Sims can also chose to write an obituary for the Sim that has passed.

Final Arrangements

Sims who die who are part of the active household can have their surviving family members take bereavement leave. This leave is available for as long as Sims are in mourning (up to 4 days). Additionally, after the death of an active household family member, surviving Sims can make final arrangements.

Members of the household can go to the phone and make arrangements. They can choose from No Arrangements, Funeral Service, or a Memorial Service. After choosing a funeral service, they will need to contact a Funeral Director and then meet to make arrangements. After choosing a memorial service, they need to contact a Memorial Service Officiant and meet to make arrangements.

Once arrangements have been made, Sims may hold a Private Viewing before the funeral or memorial and then must within 3 days hold the Funeral or Memorial Service. Memorial Services must be scheduled. A reminder 1.5 days in will remind your sim to either go through with a scheduled service or start making arrangements.

Funeral Services are rabbithole events and Memorial Services are social events. Note that Memorial Services will take place immediately upon scheduling! I suggest a memorial service at a chapel or graveyard as it does require the Memorial Service Officiant (hired by your sim) giving a eulogy which can be given on a microphone, podium, or tombstone. Additionally, if hired the musician will need an organ, piano, or violin and the caterer will need an equipped kitchen.


Base Game only

This does require the Shared Library, General Pie menus, and Mood Pack (make SURE it's the updated version)


1. Make sure you have the Shared Library, General Pie menus, and the most recent Mood Pack. They are all REQUIRED. 

2. Install directly into the mods folder. Do NOT place this in a secondary folder if you also use SimRealist's Mortem. 



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