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Hello All!

I hope this finds you all well. I'm currently in the process of doing a little too much at once. I know there's a lot of questions about the construction and missing posts so let me catch you up to speed on both my last week and this current week. 

My sibling unexpectedly passed away in his sleep, very young, last week and it's having an unexpected affect on my preschooler who's not doing great with going to sleep, understandably, giving momma less sleep and so it's all a big mess and I honestly don't even understand how we got here.

In the midst of it all, I was also revamping my mods and how they're presented and hosted. What this all means is that my mods will be unavailable for download (the two in early access the exception) for the remainder of the week. I hope to have them all up and ready and shiny and new no later than Sunday night, June 25th after the funeral.

TLDR: From today to June 25th my mods will be unavailable for download. I will also not be doing any mod support as I'm also revamping Discord and doing mod support has been proven to be futile at this moment as I'm just not in the head space for it. Both Discord and my mods should be back in business by June 25th if not before then. Thanks so much in advance!




pray for you and your family.. take care


Sending you some love and support through this very very tough time.

Barbara Moore

Praying for you everyday, because this never goes away. So much love and prayers for peace. Take care of yourself. <3


Bon courage pour cette étape difficile, et beaucoup d'amour pour vous et vos proche, toutes mes condoléance


Let me extend my sincere condolence to you and your family. I'm so sorry for your lost. Please take this time to surround yourself with the love and comfort of family, friends and God. Seek his comfort, take care of your babe and stay encouraged during these hard times. Be blessed and may the lord cover you and yours.


I would like to extend my deepest condolences to you and your family. I just have a quick question...I didn't know the extent of your situation till after I subbed to your patreon. Is it possible to extend my patreon so I can be able to download everything when you get back up and running so I won't have to have to sub again?


I’m sorry; I don’t know if I quite understand what you’re asking. The only mods which require patreon access to download, as stated in this post, are still available. The only mods which are currently missing are public mods. You will be able to access them like everyone else should you chose to not sub next month. You won’t be able to access patreon only versions unless you sub next month. That’s the basis of patreons whole model.

Lizzie S.

Prayers for peace, comfort, and healing during this difficult time. I cannot imagine what you are going through right now. I love your mods, but please take all the time you need!


lo lamento mucho, tomate el tiempo necesaro para vos y tu familia. te mando un beso desde argentina


I am so sorry, love. I'm sending alllllll my positive thoughts and healing vibes your way. <3 take all the time you need, we're here for you!


Want to sincerely apologize for your family's loss. I can not begin to imagine the pain and grieving process y'all are going through. Take all the time you need, we will all continue to support you!


So sorry to hear about that but completely understandable. Take all the time you need <3

Katie Ford

So so sorry to hear this. Lots of love and hugs to you and your family. Xx


So sorry for your loss. Sending prayers to you and your family ❤️