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Hi All,

Here's a few updates to some mods. I hope to finish and release my new mods, one of which was voted on by my patrons, within the next two weeks. There will also be another major patron update to HCR for cancer and possibly hearing loss, depending on how much I'm able to get done, around the end of the month.

Public Mod Updates

Divergent Sims v1.3.8 - This mod has been updated and this version is publicly available. If you are a patron, use the patron version for full features.

Education Overhaul v5.2.9- Bug fix for an incorrect buff which could mess up the UI panel. This is specific only to the School Milestone Events module.

Rabbithole Activities v1.2- Update to Tattoo Parlor with new buffs and the ability for teens to ask for permission for tattoos and if PH is installed, consequences for getting a tattoo without permission.

SimNation Travel v5.8.9- Infants should now be able to go on vacations with their families.

Patron Only Updates

Divergent Sims v1.4
Updated to fix some minor bugs as well as a larger problem with specific buffs causing UI issues for certain conditions and reworked some buff references so it's clearer which condition triggered specific buffs. Mental Disorders, Family Therapy, Opting out of Meds, and the dedicated Therapist will be patron only features until such time as I can confirm the fixes.

Healthcare Redux v6
There have been major changes to this mod.

For this update, as I added new features like flat head syndrome, infant checkups, and regular well visits, I wanted to make the system much more intentional. To send infants to the pediatrician, you must click on infant same as you must for toddlers.

In the earliest stages of the mod, it was totally random which in turn made things seem, well, random but for this update, I have remade the mod to function much more organically and realistically. I made HCR when I was in my first year of modding and as my modding abilities have grown over the last few years, I want to make sure my mods reap the benefits of that as well and their design reflects my growth as well as well as your feedback from years of using the mod.

For instance, your sims now can develop allergies at specific times upon a specific exposure depending on what the allergy is as opposed to purely random like before. Alternatively, sims will still get diseases but some diseases- like colds or stomach flu- are more common and likely than others such as deadly, immunizable diseases. Certain medical emergencies happen more often at specific ages or with other health problems as opposed to purely random.

This will make the mod seem much more natural and progressive and logical and far less completely random. The probability of the chance of something happening, however, still remains statistically random with several factors influencing that chance including fitness, vitamins, immune system traits, etc. but how and when and which one a sim contracts when they develop an illness, an injury, a chronic condition, an allergy, or has a medical emergency is more logical and organic.


****Remember to always clear your cache when updating my mods and please, please remember to update and install the updated general pie menus, shared library, and the updated mood pack for the mods that require them. Same goes for the custom schools tuning. Thanks!****

***General Note: ALL of my cheat menus have moved to the Actions tab under the Sim menu***

FIND AN ISSUE OR NEED HELP? Read this post  or get discord invite here


Janice Smith

Are all the other mods (dental) cleared with the recent patch?


I am not seeing your mod logo/choices on the sims phone. (make a dentist appointment, go see a doctor or make an eye appointment. Usually I see a.deep.indigo, but it's not there. I updated all your mods.


You are required to have the general pie menus in order for the pie menu to actually show up.

Tcee's World

Divergent Sims v1.3.8 - *If you are a patron, use the patron version for full features.* I am a patreon and I don't have access to the patreon version. Is this because I use a custom donation? Totally fine with that, I am not on an early access tier so it makes sense, still wanted to check...just incase...☺️ Update: I don't have access to any of the patreon versions of your mods anymore like I use to, sad but understandable.


Your current tier is the Cerulean tier. This tier very clearly states there are no benefits to this tier; it is a support tier. This has been true for longer than you've been a patron, nothing has changed. As a benefit for midnight and sapphire patrons, they have access to major mod updates. I haven't changed my tiers since october of 2020.


You can only choose one condition? Like just depression, instead of like depression and anxiety?


You mean for Divergent Sims? And yes, you can only manually assign a single undiagnosed condition at a time. This is stated in the mod post. Once your sim's condition has been diagnosed, you can add another, if you'd like.

Crazy Dime

Hey, Just wondering. when will the update for health redux be made public? love your mods by the way. especially your new one has changed my gameplay so much.


Has anyone else noticed that the healthcare redux link is completely gone?? Did I miss something?


where is the download link?


I keep getting broken mod even with updating


Sadly, I can't update HCR because I don't have the early access tier for it but I'm willing to be patient and wait because either way it's worth the wait!!! Keep doing your thing girly!!!! Edit: Okay so I caved in and just decided to jump the gun and get the early access tier 😅


Hello! I wanted to ask if the healthcare redux has a public release date? <3


Will the pie menu be updated or should I just try to redownload? Because rn it’s not showing up. (I just downloaded the new HCR)


is anyone else meds not working?


hey I am new and I cant find the link to health redux mod or the older version because the patreon is early access


Yeah it has been removed for some reason, a lot of us are waiting to hear back from op about it.


I love your mods and always use them until recently when I had to remove your folder altogether. I was getting an error so I removed all my cc and put everything back 1 x 1 until I was able to discover which folder was causing me issues. Once I removed your folder, the game started right up, with all my other folders. I once again added your folder after reinstalling your mods and the same thing happened. I am at a loss, I love playing your mods but I for the life of me cannot discover why...(Sad)


Discord link is in the mod index. You can go over all the troubleshooting steps you did and 50/50 you preformed to figure out your conflict.

Johsua Widanka

Hi, Now I never try to bother modders as I know they work hard and are busy keeping their mods updated and fresh. I just wanted to let you know the Public download link under the mods index for HCR is broken it gives a 404 error. If this was intended please ignore my message.


Does anyone know how to get the online pharmacy section of divergent sims. For me it’s greyed out, I have installed the Patreon version I believe. Would really appreciate if someone could reply x


so the comments have been deleted for some reason lol but we're still waiting to know why the healthcare redux public release has been deleted and has left us without nothing but to wait or ?pay? for the early access

Daenerys July Queen

my sims can't fill their prescriptions after going to the doctor. And also my sims get fatal conditions but don't die ........I have the option enable death on but they still are alive.