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Hello patreons!

I'm here to make a post about the new patreon service fee system and make sure you're aware of it.

First, what is going on? Well, using patreon requires several service fees, and in the past, it's us creators who took the hit and these fees were taken from our final pay check. NOW, starting on 18th of December, patreon has chosen to change this system, so YOU, patreons have to pay these service fees. Meaning you have to pay your usual pledge +  2.9% + $0.35 service fee.

You can read more here 

Now, I don't like this. If I had the option to keep things like they were, I would. 

But unless something happens before 18th, it looks like this is happening. So, this means you'd be paying 0.35 up to 2 dollars more than you pledged. Depending of your tier and where you're from. Numbers may not be exact. This is just my estimate. And while it might not be big number to some, I understand if it's too much for some of you. If you choose to cancel your pledge, feel more than free.

For the people who choose to stay. Thank you. I don't know how this is going to go but I'll have you know I'm already thinking ways how to make it up to you for this. Like more drawings on the patreon blog.

Or, If this ends up benefiting me, I could use that extra money and maybe get a picarto subscription. This means all the art streams get archived and I'd get an access to private streams. Which could mean patreon only streams.

Or, in most extreme case of scenarios, I'll lower the prices of my tiers. Well, I can't lower the tier 1. But the others..

Anyway, just wanted to make sure you guys got the memo. Know my feelings about this. I'll see what I'll do. Thank you for reading and all the support. In the past, and in the future.



Thanks for letting us know Jenna This whole situation has a lot of the creators upset because many fear they'll be losing patreons now but fear not u shall not lose me ^^

Michael M.

I’m wondering what it means for patrons who currently have to pay VAT on top of their pledge. Would it mean they’d now be paying the VAT plus the 2.9% and 35 cents? (And for its worth, I certainly have no intentions of dropping out. Still too many ideas to bother you with, ha ha!)

Vivianne Claire

Well I'm not going to be changing any of my pledges, unless I happen to upgrade, so I'm going to be sticking around.


I'd just change your info to show what the total pledge cost is. I wouldn't have minded paying an extra few cents or dollars. The fact that they were previously charging you makes me more comfortable paying the extra fees so you don't have to. We're here to support you after all.


I did the calculations, and Patreon will definitely get more money out of this. It does not sit well with me. It also really hurts the people who have $1 pledges to multiple creators. The more creators you support, the more fees you pay, and it quickly adds up. However, I'm grateful that you want to do something to make it up to us Jenna. Thank you.


I do agree that this does effect people who patron to other people. I think when the admins of this website thought this out, I think they were trying to come up with a possible win - win situation, mostly to creators. Don’t get me wrong, creators do work very hard to keep everyone happy and I think it’s nice that Patreon is thinking about those who make a living off of Patreon. But, I think they didn’t think about how it could effect the people who do the pledging. Regardless, I’ll still stay. An extra dollar isn’t going to be the end of the world for me. You work very hard Jenna and I’m glad you’re happy with what you do. Keep up the good work!


Also, just got an email saying that Patreon cancelled doing the service fee charges! So now no one needs to worry :D