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Hello everyone! This month I've decided to do something little different for the monthly art theme.

With holidays around, I have a feeling people would vote for holiday themed art for this month anyway, so I decided to go with that theme automatically. BUT, here's the fun part. You guys get to request what I draw.

So yeah, as long as it's holiday/winter themed, feel free to request anything here. Be it my squids, non-squids, other OC stuff, pokemon, something completely different. You name it!

I'll do my best to choose themes that inspire me the most, but also mix things and keep them interesting. We'll be working on these requests during art streams.

So, feel free to post your requests here! HohoHOhoho! Santa Tammy out!




I would be curious to see you try glimmering snow from the sunlight in the mountains.

Vivianne Claire

Random Doom art would be appreciated, especially scenes of holiday fun or romance that often comes during this time of the year. Mischief with Danny & Merry, scenes between Veruka & Vincent, Ross & Saria, Napoleon & Cotton, Mathew & Elizabeth, exc.


this is such a random/specific idea that popped in my head, but- maybe vadelma discreetly hanging mistletoe around the cafe in the hopes that she might get a kiss from marian, but then kirsikka and sorrel get caught underneath it instead? (or maybe just vadelma and kirsikka hanging mistletoe in the cafe lol, they both have their reasons)


I imagine the squid kids would have some very interesting opinions on the weird upside down christmas tree trend that's going around

Samir Montalvão Fraiha

I support Thomas' request. See some Random Doom art themed with Christmas would be really cool, specially at the ending of the series.


Been playing a lot of AC Pocket Camp to keep my mind off some "stressful" things that been happening to me. So how about some ACPC animals celebrating the holidays at the camp site. Or Overwatch characters in their holiday skins. Whichever you like to draw.


oh, i know u can have you and whipple wrapped in a blanket with hot cocoa, if not perhaps Bella and her jelly kids all bundled on the cpuch in blankets and cocoa. Sorry but when i think of chirstmas i think of hot cocoa


Definitely Random Doom art, like the parents giving presents to their children and vice Versa


Logan and Tanrine under the mistletoe, and then my life will be complete


Someone wrapping presents. I want to see who is the best and worst at gift wrapping. Pick any characters.


All your gay squids: Taloupe, Marian, Vadelma, Belladonna and maybe Cyanthia all dressed up in sweaters and accessories.


How about a squid family christmas card. "Seasons greetings from the (enter name here)'s", and all that. And speaking of gay squids, I'd like to see more of Cosmo's family.