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Screenshot by AndyWithCatz


- Improved the quality of SSAO. Fixing intense flickering and edge artifacts with better stability

- Improved sun/moon highlights on water

- Slightly improved performance thanks to a couple new optimisations (needs testing)

- Tweaked varying water color intensity

- Tweaked vine lighting to look better on leaves

- Slightly tweaked underwater light shafts

- Slightly tweaked sunset and sunrise sky color

- Slightly tweaked the end portal and gateway effect

- Added options to change the altitude of clouds

- Added a workaround for leaf shadows being broken on Iris 1.2.5

- Fixed lava causing bloom flickering in the nether

- Fixed instantaneous color intensity changing lines on water and lava

- Fixed boats having incorrect lighting inside them

- Fixed border fog not being good at occluding reflections on water

- Fixed clouds not being occluded by the fog in the direction of the moon

- Fixed melon and pumpkin stems not being shaded correctly

You can find the download right below.




Cloud height options yes! I have been building at cloud height and being inside one is not a helpful experience. Can they be less opaque somehow?


Thanks for adding the cloud height slider as requested Emin! You rock


I'm glad you like the cloud height option, but unfortunately they can't be less opaque. The reasoning is that the current opaqueness of the clouds are very very good for performance and adding a proper translucency system for them would cause a big performance hit


I'll just make mine higher then! They look absolutely great until you're trying to build redstone inside one.