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Hello everyone!

Today, I'd like to invite you all to participate in... drumroll please... a short survey that I made! It's entirely related to me and my content, both current and what's upcoming. There's about ten or so questions all in all, and they're all multiple choice... so it won't take very long to do I imagine. Couple of minutes, maybe?

The reason I'm doing this is the same reason that I did it last year. I want to get a roughish idea of where everyone's preferences lay! Like last year, this won't be an enormous influence on my content... like, if, I dunno, unbirth gets fifty votes and oral vore only gets five, that won't stop me from outright producing oral vore content. It just lets me know that unbirth is good vore type for a lot of people!

There are also some questions relating to an upcoming project that I will hopefully be talking about much more around the end of the year when it shapes up a bit. This survey - or, your answers really - will help me shape it up over the course of the next couple of months. Since I say it in the survey, this upcoming project is related to A Tiny Furry On A Huge Quest.

The survey is completely anonymous and doesn't record anything personal like e-mail addresses or whatever! I also won't be publishing the results of the survey publicly.

If you don't want to do the survey... then that's fine! I'm not here to tell you what to do. Like I said last year, it is completely optional, and like I said last year also, more than anything I'm just glad you're here! But if you could do it that would be great, because your feedback is super useful!



That's it!

Next week I'll have a nice juicy scene from this month's Tiny Furry preview build involving Hannelore posted up. There will also be a poll! I'm also currently in the midst of writing a big story about a couple of big foxes that I'm hoping will be ready next week... but, we'll see!

Until then!


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