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Hello everyone! Simple banner art for this month, I know. No foxes screaming at you or anything weird which is strange for me, but... I suppose I was feeling all minimalist!

Why Jumbo July? Well, we do size stuff here, right? I dunno, no particular reason, it just felt like a good one!

If you've been here for a little bit then you'll know that I like to do a post around the beginning of the month just to kinda let everyone know what's coming up and what's going on. 

If you haven't been here for a little bit, then... I like to do a post around the beginning of the month just to let everyone know what's coming up and what's going on. It's kinda like a newsletter or something. 

Anyways, this is that post!


Around the beginning of the year I was starting to clear my backlog, but since the last couple of months have been quite busy (both with IRL stuff, writing projects, and learning a new programming language) I've fallen behind quite a bit again and I've ended up with quite a few stories that I need to write. This is going to be a big focus of this month, and I'm hoping that I can get a few half-finished drafts to full completion this month so that I can go into the second half of the year with a clearer mind.

I'm hoping to get at least two stories completed but really I'm just going to be shooting to get as much done as I possibly can, so there might end up being more. The stories that I should have out I've spoke about before on here so I won't go into too much detail, but one is a sequel to a story that featured a giant fox and a bunch of shrunken lords and the other will be a story featuring Freya from Final Fantasy. Both of these stories will end up being quite chunky - like, over 10,000 words long chunky.

For people who are looking for a smaller read, I should have a shorter story or two up as well! Not sure when they'll appear, but I do have a couple of vignettes to write. For those of you who are looking for game stuff...

A Tiny Furry In A Huge World Plus v1.3

As always (for the most part) A Tiny Furry In A Huge World Plus will be getting a preview build posted around the end of the month. Said build will add a whole bunch of new content to the up and coming gym area as well as add a bonus ending for Hannelore.

I'm going to try and get at least five or six new scenes (or endings, or whatever you wanna call 'em) into the game this month. I'm personally really excited to write for Annabelle and Zoey (the gym's new characters) and I just have an absolute ton of ideas that I can't wait to tear into. This is another reason why I want to try and focus on clearing my backlog up a bit this month... I want to get rid of distractions so that I can focus on this exciting new area properly.

Plus, you guys really didn't let me down with that suggestion box. Thank you so much everyone! I've had a lot of suggestions in there and they're all absolutely fabulous. There's no doubt at all that I'll be using quite a few of them. If you'd like to submit an idea of your own, then there's still plenty of time... so go ahead and click this link to find out how!

Other Game Stuff

This is kind of just to briefly mention something, but... I should have more information on that The Hungry House remake/port next month. Like, really solid information. Maybe even a release date?

Anyway, just wanted to mention that I'm still working hard on this behind the scenes and that I'm almost ready to show off all of the juicy, juicy fruits of my labor.

Kyosurvey 2023

Last year I did something called the Kyosurvey 2022. The feedback that I got from it was great, so this year I'm going to be doing a follow-up to it called... well, Kyosurvery 2023. I was planning on doing this last month but since I had a bunch of IRL stuff going on I figured I'd just wait to do it in July.

Like last year's survey, it's going to be a short and fun little survey focused around my content and how you feel about it. It's also going to have some questions focused on the near future, because I'm currently developing a big secret project behind the scenes that I'd like to gather some feedback for, because, hey... even if I'm being all secretive - for now, at least - I still want the game to be formed by what you guys want to see.

What is the big secret project? If I told you then it wouldn't be a secret. But I suppose I can tell you that it has something to do with A Tiny Furry On A Huge Quest and that there will be more information in just a few months.


Aside from the Kyosurvey above, there'll be a poll for a bonus ending this month. Just for the sake of variety, I'm thinking that I'm going to do something a little different than just throw every character up in a big poll, but... we'll see.

Settling In

All of the move in stuff is now pretty much done, so, this is probably going to be the last time I'll talk about it! I just wanted to let everyone know that there's been no drama or upset or anything like that. The place I've moved to is lovely, the people around me are nice, and, as far as I can tell up to now, everyone is pretty respectful. I really think I'm going to enjoy living here.

The only thing that's left to do really is set up my office space proper, but that'll take a month or two since I need to save up some money to get myself a new desk and a nice comfortable chair and stuff. For now, I have a pretty comfortable little area where my computer is, though, so no rush on that.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is... no complaints! Well, except for having to lug about thirty boxes and a ton of furniture up a couple flights of stairs. That wasn't fun, but, that part is over now. Anyways, I'm looking forward to my future here, and I can already tell that being in a more pleasant and homely environment is going to make me flourish as a writer.

That's it!

I think I've said absolutely everything that I want to say for now, so... thank you for reading, and I hope you all have a lovely week! As for me? I'm gonna go back to writing...


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