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Hello everyone!

Goodness gracious it's almost midnight and I want to get this out before May so I better hurry! Apologies if this post seems a bit rushed! If you want something more in-depth, I wrote a bunch of information in this post that I made the other day.

Here it is! Super A Tiny Furry In A Huge World Plus! As amusing of a title as it is to me it is also a mouthful, so I will probably be changing it at some point.

Anyway! I decided to challenge myself by porting Ms. Matthews content over to Game Maker this month. v1.2 of the Quest version of the game (god) still needs a little bit of work so I'm releasing this for April. v1.2 will definitely be ready to roll next month! It's almost done, even!

Porting it to Game Maker means that I have much more control over the project and can do a ton more visually and just make the game shine more, basically. Like, check out these screenshots for example!

On top of that you can play it on your phone! Yes, no need to be tied to your computer anymore. I think that this is probably the biggest advantage of doing this? I know how much of a pain in the ass it is to get on a whole computer so that you can read some porn CYOA.

There are some things that you should be aware of:

When you install it on Android it will warn you about suspicious files. I assure you that it is not a suspicious file.

Lots of backgrounds are missing - including all of the internal backgrounds. I was hoping to have internal backgrounds ready but I'm still working on making them look the best that I can. As a tease, though, here's a quick work in progress image of what an internal background might look like.

I'll get these working properly when I start working on the port in earnest - which'll be whenever v1.3 is done. So around Fall, I guess?

Achievements don't worry either. Consider them examples more than anything. Also, the pictures for them got out of order at some point and I didn't have time to fix it.

All of the scenes from the game are there, though - aside from the really long buttplug one. I think there's a little over a dozen all in all.

The save function is kinda wonky, but, functional. Sorry for this! To give you a brief reason why, a fundamental flaw with the save system I had coded came up and I kinda had to do a last minute fix that is not very good, but, again, functional.

The UI on mobile isn't great, but, it's functional enough. In the final version I'd likely do some kind of mobile-only UI.

I've done testing on medium to high-end computers. It works great on both. If you're on a potato, though... I dunno. You'll have to tell me. I can definitely get the performance going better with some optimizations and enough time, though.

I'd love to add sounds - and definitely will add sounds - but that's more of a for the future sorta thing.

If you're still paying attention, enable 'dumb game overs' in the options menu. You might get a laugh, who knows?

Please remember, more than anything, that this is a proof of concept rather than a final build or anything. I would like to get as much feedback as possible before launching into the port proper, and I want to see if what's on offer here works for everyone roughly.

For this reason, even if you're not a huge fan of Ms. Matthews content, I really urge you to try this out and just kinda move around, look at stuff, try some things out, and just... see how it feels to you. I personally think it feels pretty good - better than using Quest for sure - but since I can control most everything on how the game feels I'd like it to feel as good as possible.

With that said, though, I am extremely proud of myself for putting this out, even if it's a tiny bit rough around the edges. Every line of code that makes up this game was written by myself, and... that's cool as fuck. It's an enormous step for me as a programmer honestly... this time last year, even, I didn't even think I was capable of it.

Anyway! It's twenty minutes to midnight so I'd better post this. Happy playing, everyone!

EDIT: Fixed a couple of bugs, most noteworthy of which was if you tried to lick Ms. Matthews in a certain place then the game would crash.

The neat thing about this is that your save data and stuff will still be compatible with this changed version, regardless of whether you played the Windows or Android version, so, yup! Just download and play in either case - you can delete the old files no problem.

Tomorrow (the 3rd) I'll be doing the usual start-of-the-month update post. Preparing both a game and a novel for upload left me feeling super frazzled, so I've taken the past couple of days off just to get myself back together. Tomorrow I'll be back to work proper.



Tiny Furry In A Game Maker World