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Dragon poll! Dragon poll! Dragon poll!

So I made sure to look at the endings that Hannelore already has. She doesn't have a ton of them (like three?) so I wanted to avoid doing something that had already been done. Yes, I say I have to look because I'm at the point where I can't remember who has what endings and where. About four years and a few hundred thousand words will do that to you... or to me.

Anyway, so, she has four endings - or, well, three really. There's an ending where you get crushed by her butt, an unaware unbirth thing, an aware mawplay ending, and the fourth sorta ending is one where you get stepped on her but it's also very short... like a screen or two at most. With that said, though, paws won last month's bonus poll, so I'm not going to throw up a pawfoot-adjacent choice this month.

So here's three choices! I decided to make them all aware because she has two unaware endings already (three, kinda) and only one aware scene, so... yup! I think they're all pretty exciting, like... I'd love to write all of these.

Vending Machine Ending (Aware Oral Vore)

It's a vending machine ending option! There hasn't been one of these for a while but Hannelore is kind of a perfect candidate for one.

It would be aware because I'm kinda just feeling it being an aware scene. You're in the vending machine which means you must be a snack, and she's a mighty dragon, so it's not like you can argue with her, right? Or, well, you can and probably will, but it's not going to stop her.

I'm not making any promises but I will most likely do a stomach room for this one. There'll be a choice between graphic and non-graphic digestion. Naturally it will be fatal.

New Scene For 'Peaceful' Ending (Aware Anal Vore)

Hannelore has a peaceful ending currently. Right now, the only outcome of it is mawplay, but I was thinking that it might be fun to add a new branch to it where she shoves you up her ass! Multiple times probably! If you think that sounds fun too, then vote for this option.

The ending wouldn't be fatal - because Hannelore will drag you out before you expire - but the player won't exactly enjoy the treatment. At least, not at first! Like I said, this happens multiple times, so maybe stockholm syndrome will set in eventually? Who knows, who knows...

Claire Crossover Ending (Aware Unbirth)

Claire came in second place in the poll. Normally coming second place in the poll doesn't mean anything, but I thought it would be fun to do a crossover scene involving her and Hannelore because, hey, there isn't a ton of student/teacher interactions in the game!

So, anyway, here's the rough idea. Hannelore finds you in the changing room, takes you out into the corridor... when all of a sudden Claire starts coming down the corridor! Not wanting the responsible wolf teacher to take her new tiny 'friend' from her, she 'hides' you in the crotch of her swimsuit. Shenanigans ensue!

This would be fatal and feature cumgestion. This would include Hannelore getting off while Claire is none-the-wiser to it, so... it's also kinda unaware unbirth? But also not really. Somewhere is unaware that it's happening, anyway!

That's it!

Because I lost track of time and left this one a little late this month (sorry!) I'll leave this poll up until May 4th to give everyone plenty of time to get their votes in.

If you're wondering what's happening about our hyena teacher... there will be a poll for her around the beginning of next month to decide her disposition! Before I do any more polls though I want to get some content out, so... see you soon with that!


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