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Hello everyone!

So, if you've been around here since last month then you'll (probably) know what this is all about. If you don't, then, here's a brief explanation: in v1.3, I will be adding a new gym area to the game (as decided by a poll last month!) The gym area will have a few scenes featuring existing characters, but, for the most part, it will feature two brand new characters. One will be a student, the other will be a teacher. As is usually the case, Patreon polls will determine the gender, species, and general personality of these two new characters.

We're gonna go over the student first. The first thing that we will be deciding is their gender - or their genitals - or however you wanna put it.

Pretty simple poll, so not a whole lot to go over here. Pick the option that you want to see, and... that's it! The only thing that I will point out is that whatever wins here will be removed for the teacher's poll. So, if andromorph wins, I'll remove that from the teacher poll. The reason for this is pretty simple: variety!

The student's age will be determined by the disposition poll coming later. They will be somewhere around their twenties, though - probably a touch older than most of the students in the game, but, not by much.

The poll will end five days from now on the 8th of March. Make sure you get your votes in before then.

That's it! Now I am off on a trip to take my pets (two cats, meow meow) to the vet. Don't worry, they're fine. It's just a check-up.

Happy voting, and I'll see you in a couple of days with some smut!



If Andromorph wins, I hope the teacher will be a Gynomorph.