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It's Macro March! AAAAAAAAAAA!

What does that mean for this Patreon? Honestly, absolutely nothing... aside from the usual, anyways. It's kind of Macro March every month here. I'm a macro writer. It's what I do!

Well... I guess it depends on your definition of macro. Some people specifically equate macro to growth - like, city-toppling tits and balls and all that - but, to me, it's kind of a catch-all term for both shrinking and growth. You might disagree and think I'm more of a micro writer - and if you do, that's okay. Just pretend this post is called Micro March instead.

Anyways! So why make a post called Macro March, then? Well, if you've been here for a while, then you'll know that I usually do a post around the start of the month that goes into what I have planned and if there's any ongoing issues. Kind of like a sitrep - or a status update - or... or a newsletter? Something like that. So, I decided to title this thing 'Macro March' because I had nothing else to really title it with.

A Tiny Furry In A Huge World Plus v1.2

This month, I would like to get A Tiny Furry In A Huge World Plus v1.2 as close to completion as possible - if not complete it entirely. In order to make this happen, I'll be dedicating a bit more time to it this month than I usually do. There's a fair amount of work left to do, after all!

Even though I'll be doing my best to complete it this month, it's quite likely that I'll need to spend some development time in April finishing it off. I am 99.99% confident that it will be all done and finished in April, and then we can move onto v1.3 (more on this in a little bit) in May.

You can expect at least the following to be added to the game this month, though:

- A juicy ending with Ms. Matthews involving butts
- A shoetastic ending with Emily the squirrel
- A mean bonus ending with Janice
- Cock vore content for Lucas
- Shoe/cock vore content for Bellus

Polls for v1.3

Last month we established that v1.3 will add a gym area to the game! This month we will establish the two characters that will be the main features in the area. Other characters may make an appearance in the gym too, but, the focus will be on these two guys.

One of them will be a student, and the other will be a teacher/coach style character. Polls will determine their gender, their species, and their general disposition - like, are they nice, mean, kind of an in between...

We'll start with the student. I'll be doing the first poll tomorrow and it'll be for gender.

There will also be a bonus ending poll. We'll probably do that around the middle of the month as usual!


I really wanted to post more commissions last month. I'm frustrated at myself that I didn't, but I'm trying not to beat myself up too much about it. January and February were busier months than I expected. I will go into this more in a little bit.

I won't make excuses - again - because I've already been into it. I'm also not going to make a ton of stupid promises and let myself down, so, let me just say this.

There will be commissions this month. Two at the very least, three if things go to plan, and four if I'm really speedy. One will be very large, one will be pretty large, and the other two will be... less large, but still large.

I'll probably handle announcing commissions like this in future. It's better for me to be vague about it and kinda just release 'em when they're done because that way I don't get disappointed in myself and set up enormous hills for me to climb.

I'm really, really looking forward to showing everyone what I've been writing in terms of stories for the past couple of months!

Mental Health/RL Stuff

Here's some RL stuff, or, why January and February were busier and more life-altering than I anticipated. Typing that out I make it seem like I'm about to start telling some awful war story or something, but, it's not that bad at all, really. Just time-consuming and distracting.

So, to cut a long story short, back in January I was diagnosed with ADHD. Most people get diagnosed with this when they're kids or teenagers or whatever, but for some reason I didn't!

It is not that huge of a deal. I mean I've been living with it for the entirety of my adult life unknowingly and I've been getting along just fine. It does explain a lot, though. I have always had issues with concentration, being easily distracted, being forgetful, difficulty listening, problems with motivation,,, the list goes on.

I might not come across this way - maybe - but that's because I've developed a lot of mechanisms to deal with this over the years. For example, with the forgetful thing, I make sure to write down everything that I need to do on a huge ass list that auto-opens whenever I turn my computer on. In terms of concentration, I've developed a life-long habit of drinking two or more cups of coffee every day. Remember the coffee for later, it'll be important.

Anyway. Toward the middle of February, I was prescribed a medication for my ADHD. This medication is great. Like, holy shit, life-altering in the best way possible. I wasn't convinced that I had ADHD up until I took the first pill of this stuff but for the first time in my life I felt completely switched on. Firing on all cylinders. Concentration at an all time high. Focus honed and sharp. I didn't need to look at my list every twenty seconds. Short-term memory? I found that I actually have one.

However - here's the part where I'm stupid. I cannot take this medication if I drink caffeine. The reason why is simple - it's a stimulant, caffeine is also a stimulant, if I take too many stimulants I start getting heart palpitations and needing to go to the hospital like any mortal. So, sometimes, because I am a fiend for caffeine - like, I've drank coffee every day for... many years - I would skip taking the meds because I really just wanted a cup of morning coffee.

This, of course, is dumb! For many reasons! So, yesterday, I threw out all of my coffee and bought myself some decaf. That way I can have both without the health consequences. Breaking off of caffeine will be hard, but, I've given up smoking cigarettes before and coffee can't be as bad as that, so, I'm sure I'll be fine!

I hope this change will make my work a little easier to manage. Don't get me wrong, I am usually pumped up to write my stuff - like, I adore writing every word - but this should kick me off the starting blocks a little better and keep my motivation levels steady.

To be honest, I was planning on keeping the diagnosis to myself - mostly because I don't tend to talk a ton about personal problems - but, hey, I dunno. Something made me want to type all this out. Don't worry, though - I won't be talking about my problems all the time. I like having a steely but chipper exterior. I think it lends both positivity to this place and my work in general.

In other news - though this one is a little less significant, I guess - I have been apartment hunting. Last year I went through some dumbass roommate drama and, well, now I don't want to live with a roommate anymore, so I am looking for somewhere that I can live comfortably by myself when the lease runs out here in the middle of this year. Last month there were some really good (and affordable to rent) apartments up, so I ended up spending a lot of my time looking around places, and, in doing so, I found myself a nice affordable place where I can live for a while starting around June. Hooray!

It's not all concrete yet, but, it's pretty much a thing that is going to happen. The good news is that I won't have to dedicate several days this month to looking around apartments and all that garbage.

Anyway! I feel like all of that is behind me now, which hopefully means I can concentrate on what I do best - writing smut - even more this month.


That's it!

Tomorrow - poll. This evening - a little more work for me, then maybe I'll fox around a bit before getting some sleep.

See you soon!


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