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Hello everyone! It's that time again and that time again is poll time.

What's this poll all about? Well, I am going to be adding a new area to the game come v1.3. For full clarity, I probably won't be starting full work on v1.3 until Mayish - I'm planning on finishing v1.2 fully around April - but I'd like to get everything set in stone a bit before then so that I can plan stuff accordingly and hopefully be able to put the content together better and more quickly when it comes to writing it. Does that make sense? I hope so!

A new location is going to be added in v1.3. There'll also be some other stuff - more endings, another character that roams around, amongst other things - but this is where the main chunk of the new content will be.

The roaming character won't be polled - I have a new character in mind for that position already - but everything in this new location will be polled. 

This location is going to be attached to the West Wing Corridor - or, near where the changing rooms and the pool are. Since it'd make the most sense with the area, I am going to go with something sorta physical fitness themed - so, like a gym with some equipment in it or a sports court where some big people are practicing.

In this area there will be probably be quite a few characters, but, the area will for the most part focus on two people. Both of them will be determined by poll - one will be a teacher and the other will be a student. The specifics of that will be polled after, y'know, this location poll.

I came up with three areas. Take a look and pick the ones that you like the most in the poll! It'll end in seven days, so, while you have a bit of time to get your votes in, don't sleep on it too much.

Basketball Court

So, just to give a basic visual, imagine your standard indoor basketball court. It won't look any different to that.

In terms of activity, though, there will be a lot going on in here. Most areas in Tiny Furry are pretty quiet, but, this would be one of the loudest in the game. Practice would be in full session, and that would mean that there's a ton of paws stomping around and people yelling and balls being thrown around and... well, it'd just be an extremely dangerous area for someone the player's size to be in!

There'd be a few endings involving the court itself - mostly paw stuff, but, hey, there will probably be a way to get inside of someone's shorts while they're running around too - but most of the interactions would be focused on the two polled characters. The student character has taken a hit and the teacher character is inspecting it and making sure they don't need first aid. These will be the two characters that you can get the attention of and explore primarily.

So, basically, loud noisy area, lots of stomping, lots of danger, with two main characters to kinda explore who are safely away from all the action.

Gym Area

This would be a much more quiet area. The two polled characters wouldn't be the only ones in it, but it'd be much more safe to traverse and explore than the basketball court area.

It wouldn't be the hugest gym in the world - the college doesn't have a ton of budget - but it would feature a whole bunch of equipment. A lot of the interactions in this area will come from attempting to traverse said equipment - so, getting trapped underneath someone's paw while they're on a treadmill, or, getting squished underneath someone's ass while they lift a real heavy weight, or, ending up inside of someone somehow while they're using an elliptical or something... you get the picture, I'm sure.

The teacher would be a coach for the student in this scenario. Like the gym area, there will be plenty of possibility for exploring the pair of them, but since there's no injury or anything involved you can expect the student to be taking a considerably more active role - which means that there will be considerably more sweat going on.

The court will be a pretty sweaty area too - people are exercising, after all - but between the two this is the truly sweaty area. Not all endings will feature it, of course, but you can expect it to play more of a factor than the gym.

Tennis Court

This is kind of a middle ground between the gym and the basketball court. In terms of aesthetics, it's very similar to the basketball court, but there will be much less activity given that tennis is a two person game - or at least, it is at this particular college. They only play singles because they don't have that many players.

Still, though, people will be running around and hitting things - just on a smaller scale - but the chances of you getting stepped on are much lower. There'll be two people training with the teacher and the student on the sidelines overseeing things. The teacher will be the coach and the student will be the coach's assistant. 

You'll be able to interact with both of them - there'll be moments where they're exercising too, showing off shots... or whatever they call them in tennis to the other players and all that. Boy if this wins I'll actually have to learn a bit about tennis. You'll also be able to interact with the two players, just to a lesser extent. There'll of course be an ending where you get stepped on by them and I'll figure out a way for you to be able to get into their clothes too, because, hey, that's always fun.

Like I say, this one is kind of a middle ground. The activity is less overwhelming to a tiny person in comparison to the court, but, more dangerous than the gym. Like the other two options, it also gives the teacher and the student a slightly different dynamic.

Okay! I think that's enough details for people to be able to make a decision. When this poll is done, I'll get started on the polls for the characters not long afterward.

This week I'm mostly working on wrapping commissions up and getting content started for this month's preview build of A Tiny Furry In A Huge World, so, I'll probably be quiet now until after the weekend.

Happy voting!


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