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Hey everyone!

Here's a vignette from the vignette tier! This one was wrote for the lovely Raruke, and it features both his OC - Raruke, duh - and mine - Kyobi, double duh. Raruke was planning to draw a picture for this one, so, I might be updating this post in the next couple of days.

I like writing something shortish around the beginning of the month - it kinda primes me up to write, and I definitely needed that after spending most of the end of January coding stuff. So I figured... why not do a little oral vore story to warm up?

I know I've been indulging by doing a fair bit of oral vore lately. It's my favorite vore type, though, so it's kind of the best thing to kick me into the right gear. Not that I don't love all the others, of course, but everyone has a favorite, right? Other than Bounty Hunter, though, this is the only oral vore content that I have planned for this month. The rest is going to be anal vore and unbirth and paws, so... yup, don't worry! There'll be plenty of variety. 

A micro fox tries to argue that sushi is, indeed, fish... but Kyobi isn't having it. Vore quickly ensues.

TAGS: Oral Vore, Food Play, Graphic Digestion, Messy Belly, Fatal (reformation)
[3000 Words]


Man... I was going to upload this in the morning after I had got some sleep but for some reason I can't sleep. I was all exhausted in front of the computer, so I turned everything off and went to bed and then... well, soon as my head hit the pillow, I am suddenly full of energy. I tossed and turned for about an hour and then I just figured... hey, let's proof this sucker and get it posted.

For some reason I like posting things late at night anyway. It feels more sneaky, which appeals to my inner goblin.

Anyway, enough ranting about silly stuff! Enjoy the read, and I'll see you in a day or two with a big ol' juicy poll.



Gosh Thank you Big Fluff! It's an amazing story and god I love it! The whole scene is so perfectly casual and mean. The wasabi and soy... fuck I'm always afraid I spoil too much in here. Just yes I love it ~ <3 10/10, BIG thanks ~


Actions speak louder than words in this one :D. Wonder what happens with the "souls" in Raruke's tails. Does he keep them?