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Hello everyone!

How are we all doing this evening? I'm good, I'm good... well, I'm good now, but I wasn't for the most of the day. Migraines are a bitch. Today I planned on posting a story that I've almost finished but due to being in insufferable pain I didn't manage to get it quite ready - so it should be up tomorrow. More on this and other stuff coming this week after poll news. 

The last poll that I ran... Oscar won! So that means that he'll be getting added to new woodland trail thingy that I introduced last month. This means that he'll be getting two endings - one featuring Mike, and the other featuring Aimee. What will they be? I don't know! You'll see. Soon!

This is for this month's bonus ending. If you aren't aware, as part of a stretch goal here, I throw up a couple of polls once a month where you guys can pick an ending to be added to one of my games that are currently in active development. Kinda like a viewer's choice sorta thing - except pornographic. (or vornographic?)

Anyway anyway! Usually I pick the game but this month I am not. You guys can instead. That's it! Pick whichever game you'd like to see a bonus ending added to.

In other news...

Migraine is no good, but it is gone for the most part now, and having a decent night's rest should kill the rest of agony gremlins up there - so I should be good tomorrow. Which means that there will be a story tomorrow too - probably late at night around this time - so expect one of those this week. Actually, expect two of 'em - because I'll have a little surprise this weekend for everyone too, all going well.

Thank you all for participating in my survey! I got a ton of useful data. It's really nice to see what you guys like, and... like, literally all of the comments that you guys left were extremely empowering. I'm glad that you all like my content so much. It's still up (and will remain up for the rest of the year probably) so if you haven't thrown any answers at it yet feel free to.

Also - here's a short announcement. I've been working on a small horror vore (vorror?) game for Halloween this year. I'm hoping to have it finished and uploaded to Patreon around the beginning or middleish of October. It's going to be a text adventure - a fairly small and content-rich one - focusing around being hunted/stalked by something that wants to eat you. In terms of length it's probably going to have a similar runtime to something like Macroville. I'll unveil some details closer to the time - probably in the first post at the beginning of next month.

Why? While I was working on the basement content for A Tiny Furry Quest I got all inspired to do something scary spooky and I decided to take ahold of that inspiration with both hands to make something small for the season. 

Working on this shouldn't have too much of an impact on my other projects, so, don't worry if this doesn't sound super exciting to you! If it does, though, then... be excited! It's gonna be pretty cool.

Wow I packed a lot into this post. I'll stop myself here before I say anything else. Happy voting!


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