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Hello everyone!

Today, I'd like to invite you all to participate in a short survey that I made! It's related to me and my content. It asks questions like - what's your favourite vore type - or - how do you feel about paws - or - do you prefer mean or gentle predators? There's about ten questions total - some of which are optional - so it won't take you long to do at all! A couple of minutes - five at most, maybe? 

The reason that I want to do this is simple - I want to try and get a rough idea of where everyone's preferences lay. Don't worry - I'm not going to use the results of this survey as gospel - so, for example, if anal vore ends up getting a hundred votes and oral vore only gets ten, that doesn't mean I'm going to write less oral vore and more anal vore. It just means that I have the knowledge that people really like anal vore. How will that be useful? I'm not sure, but... I just feel like it's a good thing to know, you know? I'm curious as to what you guys like - and I'm sure it will be useful somehow. Knowledge is always a good thing, right?

The survey is completely anonymous. I made sure that it wouldn't do anything weird like collect names or e-mails or anything personal. If you don't want to do it... then that's fine! You support me, so... I don't get to tell you what to do, right? Honestly, I'm just grateful that you're here. Don't worry about the stupid survey if you don't want to!



In other news - I am currently working on finishing up quite the big commission! It should be ready around the end of the week or the beginning of next. I'll have the bonus poll for this month up between now and then.

I hope you're all enjoying your week so far!


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